2- Fans of Sherlock

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Saturday, November 23, homecoming.

I was going with the boy i had been in love with since the seventh grade, Joey Donalew, The Joey Donalew. Captain of the football team, Joey Donalew, and he had asked me out. Could my life have been any better?

Maybe if... no not even then.

Well maybe my life could have possibly been better if The Doctor asked me to travel all of time and space with him and escape my shitty life (and i mean Matt Smith Doctor he is H-O-T HOT!!!!), but i didn't see that happening anytime soon. But then again i never saw myself going to homecoming with Joey Donalew either. Never. In a million years. (chances with The Doctor are suddenly looking better) I just simply wasn't "Cool" enough. I was the nerdy kid in the back of the class who liked to watch, read, and obsess over, Harry Potter, Sherlock, The Hunger Games, Doctor Who, attractive British Youtubers and the likes. My walls were literally plastered with posters. I was the very definition of geeky fangirl. I wasn't exactley the most fashionably in tuned girl either. I usually wore baggy jeans and a overly large tee-Shirt, every once in a while wearing a nice dress for special occasions but other than that... Yeah I think you got the idea.

Homecoming was three hours away and Joey was going to pick me up in one, and i still hadn't decided what to wear. I was trying to choose between my Tardis skirt and my Sherlock skirt, since Mike dumped purple gatorade on my white dress (and all other dresses i owned) they were now the nicest clothing articles in my possession. Finally I chose and and started getting ready. I straigtened my extremely long hair (It reached about mid-back) and pulled half of it back into a clip. I put on my tights and a short sleeved white button up shirt tucked into my Sherlock skirt and tan flats, and walked down stairs. Momma was asleep on the couch, she was always sleeping and if she wasn't asleep she was out with some guy i didn't know anything about (well i knew one thing about him: he wasn't my dad) but it was a new guy every week so i never really bothered trying to learn anything about him. Pappa left mama when i was real small he had said he would always come back and rescue me but when that hadn't happened within the next few years i pretty much just gave up waiting for him, and though mamma had been a wreck from the start she only got worse after pappa left. I could see how desperatley she needed him and how much she loved him even after all the pain he had put the both of us through. Mamma just wanted to forget. I let her sleep and walked out onto the porch locking the door behind me.

Two cars pulled up in front of my house and Joey got out of one I smiled and waved at him, heading down the steps towards the cars.

"Sarah." He said. my breath caught in my throught when he said my name. "I'd like you to meet two people. First, my date, Sarah this is Jenifer, Jenifer Sarah." Suddenly i noticed a skinny, blonde girl behind Joey. I was confused though I thought I was his date? "Second." Joey continued, oblivious to my confusion. "I want you to meet your date, my twin brother Travis." Joey beckoned to the person sitting in the second car. "I hope you don't mind that i asked you out for him he was really nervous and couldn't do it himself. I was sorta afraid that he would never find a date if you said no."

I nodded slowly. "It's cool." the words came out choked and sounded alien like they weren't mine but those of a Daleks (chances with The Doctor=sinking like the Titanic).

Travis stepped out of the car smiling at me. "You look good." He commented with a nod of his head. "I like your skirt."

"Thanks ." I managed to get the word out, but just barely, and it came out mummbled and rigged. I could sorta see how the two were twins, but travis was a lot smaller than Joey (he had some muscle at least) Travis' hair was shorter than Joeys and quite a few other things seperated them too, including their voices. Where Joey spoke confidantly and sure of himself with a deep husky voice Travis wasn't so sure and spoke less often a with a voice that was almost silky sweet, like honey.

Travis and I watched as Joey drove off with his date. "So..." Travis pulled me out of my thoughtless mind. "Your skirt its like the wallpaper from 221B in BBC's Sherlock, right?"

I nodded slowly. "Yeah. Do you watch it?" Even if Travis wasn't my dream guy there was nothing saying i couldn't be friends with him get close to him and maybe even to Joey too.

"Yeah. I never knew a TV series could pull you in, get you addicted, and then wrench your heart out all in under ten episodes." Travis laughed and so did i.

It was sorta easy to laugh around him and talk to him. We had a lot in common (and what he said about Sherlock was totally true too).

"Well then!" he exclaimed reaching for my hand. "Shall we?"

I giggled slightly at his erratic behavior. "We shall."

He walked me around to the other side of the car (a '67 chevy impala if i was right) and he opened the door waiting for me to clamber in so he could shut the door.

"This looks like Deans car." i commented.

"Thats because it is. Ingot into Supernatural a couple years ago so when i was old enough for a car my parents bought me this one." Travis shrugged easily. "No big deal."

"NO BIG DEAL!?!? THIS THING MUST'VE COST A FORTUNE!!!!!!" I was completely shocked. I mean i knew that Joey and Travis' parents were rich but i had no idea HOW rich.

"Surely you must have money too your house is incredible." Travis pulled me back away from my thoughts.

"No actually we're broke my mom spends all our money on drugs trying to forget my dad. The house was given to us by one of her many boyfriends that pitied us but didn't really care enough to stick around and try to fix my mom." I spat the words out in disgust.

"I see how much you care about all those ex boyfriends." Travis laughed. It was a light laugh sweet and silky just like his speaking voice.

"Well they never really stick around for more than a week and most have a tendency to use her for their own personal desires. Once they're filled, the guys are gone. I've never really bothered to learn any of their names either."

Travis nodded. "I understand. I would probably do the same."

I laughed a little bit. "Well enough about my s***ty life. What about you?"


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