9- Doctors Running

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Chapter Nine


******Travis' POV******

I opened the doors to the cafeteria slowly looking around for Sarah, it had been a week since she spent the night at my house. When I had woken up the next morning she was gone, I hadn't seen her all week, and she wasn't answering any of my texts. I was getting really worried about her, I was afraid that she either hated me or that maybe something had happened to her.

"Travis." I jumped at the sound of my name, turning to see my twin brother standing there with his arm around some blonde that I didn't recognize.

"Joey?" I nodded my head in acknowledgment to the girl. "What's up?"

"Did you find her yet?"

I shook my head sadly, "No, I don't know what's wrong, she won't answer any of my calls or texts, I just... I just hope I didn't do something wrong."

******Sarah's POV******

I sat in the hospital waiting room, just hoping to hear some good news about my mother. Last week when I had spent the night at Travis' house I received a call at about 3 o'clock in the morning. The man on the other line said his name was Joseph Longmar and that he was with my mother at St. Joseph's hospital (ironic right?), that she had been in an accident, and that I needed to get there right away.

I'd left Travis' house without a second thought, driving as fast as I could to get to the hospital where my mom was. Now I'm sitting here hoping and praying she'll wake up.

Sitting and thinking was driving me crazy, for the first time in a week I pulled out my phone. I had 20 missed calls and 30 text messages from Travis and Macy, I took a deep breath and dialed Travis' number, putting the phone to my ear.

The phone rang once before Travis picked up.


"Hi Travis"

"Oh God where are you? Are you okay? I've been going insane all week."

"I'm fine Travis I'm at St. Joseph's hospital."

"Oh God.... Are you hurt? What the hell happpened?"

I put my hand to my face to stifle the sobs rising in my throat. "I'm fine it's... It's.... my mom..." a small sob escaped my mouth.

"Hold on I'll be there in a couple minutes." the line ended and I was left listening to the dial tone.


Travis' arms wrapped around me tightly holding me to his chest, I let my tears run freely, soaking his shirt.

"It's not okay." Travis whispered quietly to me, rubbing his hand in soothing circles on my back. "It's not okay, but it will get better."

I pulled away wiping at my eyes."What do you mean it's not okay? Aren't you meant to be comforting me?"

Travis' laugh rang through the empty halls of the hospital. "Everyone always says 'its okay' but that's a load of bull shit because losing your only parent is not okay, it's not okay to be left alone, it's not okay, any of it. But it will get better, because I'm never going to leave your side through all of it." Travis wrapped my hand in his and tucked a small strand of hair behind my ear with his free hand. "I'm not going to leave you no matter what happens, and I'm sure as hell not going to lie to you and tell you it's okay when it's not."

I looked up at Travis, my whole body aching to be enclosed in his arms, "Thank you Travis." I whispered the words softly, thinking that maybe, if I said them soft enough, we could go back in time, and they wouldn't need to be said. I pulled my hand out of his and moved away towards the room where my mothers limp and nearly lifeless body lay. "I'm sorry mom, I should've been there to stop you leaving. I shouldn't have gone to that stupid dance." I sat in the chair next to my mother and held her hand in mine.

"Don't blame yourself Sarah." I turned to look at Travis standing in the doorway, a sad look on his face. "This isn't your fault."

I smiled lightly, "I know, it was bound to happen someday, what with her drinking habits and terrible record. I just.... I just hoped it would be after Daleks and Cybermen had taken over this universe."

We sat there in silence for another ten minutes, listening to the ragged breathing of my mother, and the steady beat of the heart monitor. My mothers breathing began to slow, and the heart monitor beat less and less, until it became one long stream, just a single line. Without a word, I pulled the emergency chord, moving out of the way of the wave of doctors that came pouring into the room. Travis held me close to his chest, moving us out of the small, white, room and into the hallway.

"She's gone..." I choked out a sob, letting the tears roll freely down my cheeks. Travis pulled me even closer to him, holding me tightly to his chest.


"One, two, three, four, I declare a thumb war."

"Five, six, seven, eight, try to keep your thumb straight." Travis finished the childrens rhyme moving his thumb to try and trap mine, as I did the same.

It was a stupid and childish game but it kept my mind occupied, and besides, Travis looked pretty hot with his wide, pale, green eyes, full of determination, and his tongue stuck out in concentration.

"Ha! Beat you again!" I exclaimed, jumping up and down in mock excitement.

"Indeed you did." Travis smiled, "Now come over here and I'll give you your prize." Travis tugged on my belt buckles, pulling me into his lap, and kissing me heatedly. His arms moved around my waist pulling me further into him. I pushed myself off of him and moved to take the seat next to him on my couch.

"Let's watch a movie." I smiled brightly, pulling my legs onto the couch and hugging them tightly.

"Okay." Travis smiled and crawled off the couch to my movie collection, quickly selecting a movie he liked and popping it into the Xbox. My small tv was nothing compared to his back home, it was only 36" and it was most definitely not a flat screen.

"I'm sorry the tv's so small" I smiled apologetically, hugging my knees even tighter in to my chest.

"It's fine, there's nothing to be sorry for." Travis smiled a wide toothy grin, and wrapped his arm around me, both pulling me closer to him, and effectively silencing anymore apologies I had planned. I sighed, leaning my head against his shoulder, and turning to watch the film.

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