18- Dance Partners

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*****Chapter 18*****

*******************Travis's POV*******************

Sarah stepped down the stairs carefully in her long dress. She looked absolutely stunning. My breath caught in my throaght and I struggled to remember how to breathe.

"You look amazing." I said, my voice shaking, "Absolutely incredible."

Sarah's cheeks turned red with blush. "Shall we?" she asked, wrapping her fingers gently around my arm.

"We shall." I smiled a crooked smile and placed my hand on hers.

"Wait, wait, wait. I need a picture first." Macy grinned. "Come on get close together."

Sarah side stepped a little bit closer to me, her hand still resting on my arm. She teetered precariously for a bit on her heels.

"I gotcha." I whispered, wrapping an arm around her waist and holding her close to my side.

Macy grinned again grabbing Sarah's phone from her and snapping a few pictures of us standing together.

"I feel like this is prom." Sarah muttered under her breath in such a way that only I could hear her. I grinned and pecked her lightly on the cheek, seeing the phone'a camera flash out of the corner of my eye as I did.

Sarah turned to face me, grinning brightly, and I turned too so that we were staring each other in the face. I smirked a bit, guiding her arms to loop around my neck as I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer. I touched my lips to hers and felt her whole body relax in my arms.

Macy snapped a few more pictures while we kissed but I didnt really care. I had Sarah, that was all that mattered.

* * *

Sarah and I were riding in my impala to the same hotel where they had held comicon. Mom's charity ball/ banquet was being held in the hotels ballroom, a large room that was host to many different types of charity events, I guess.

I could see Sarah playing around with her phone out of the corner of my eye and smiled when she held it up, showing the picture of our kiss as her new screen saver. "Its perfect." I said.

When we got to the hotel the parking lot was almost empty. Figures. Mom probably only invited the rich and elite, the ones who could afford to have a limo driver drop them off and pick them up. I hopped out of the car and ran around to the other side to help Sarah out. I could see Sarah's face as she got out, illuminated by the thousands of glittering lights that decorated the outside of the hotel. Her look was one of pure amazement. Much like when I took her to comicon, it was like she still couldn't grasp into the idea that all this was real.

You'd think that someone, as well known a nerd as her, would probably have a hard time on heels but she seemed pretty okay. "You've worn heels before." I speculated. Okay big word. I guessed is basically what I did, don't know why I couldn't just say that in the first place.

Sarah nodded her head, "Mom, when I was little, before she.... Got sick..... She used to say that the mark of a good woman was how well she could wear her heels." Sarah smiled sadly, remembering a time when she had a whole and unbroken mother, "She used to make me practice walking around in the heels and as I grew up, she made sure I always had at least one or two pairs of heels at all times."

I cracked a small smile, "Well, sounds like she knew what dw was taking about."

Sarah laughed and nodded her head. "Yeah. Yeah I guess she did."

* * * 

"So. Sarah, now that we've finally met." Mom smiled brightly at Sarah, leading her through the ball room showing her everything and explaining in great detail how much everything cost. "What do you think?" 

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