6- First Kiss

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************Authors Note***********

Hi guys sorry for the update overload I've just been CRAZY FULL of ideas and all kinds of things swirling around in my head I REALLY hope y'all are enjoying the story and I would really appreciate votes too Kay thx guys see ya on the other side



Chapter Six


Travis moved his hand out of mine on the table and back to my cheek causing a raucous with the butterflies in my stomach. Too soon he pulled away and I excused myself from the table running into the cafe bathroom.

Oh. My. God.

Travis. Supermegafoxyawesomehot Travis, just kissed ME, Sarah plain and short. I take a few seconds to try and calm myself down, slowing my heart rate and breathing, I felt like Tris in her fear landscape.

"Sarah?" there's a light knock on the door. "Sarah I'm sorry I messed up. I'm sorry can we talk, please?" I open the door slowly and look out at Travis he's leaned against the wall to the right of the bathroom door, his head back. I step out into the hall, and he straightens up turning to look at me, he looks upset, like really upset.

I try to smile but fail, so instead I move towards him wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him again. At first he seems confused but then he gives in and kisses me back.

I'm about to run out of air so I pull away, looking up at him.

"You didn't mess anything up." I say and pull him into another kiss.


Travis pulled away, smiling, and leaned his forehead against mine. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that."

I giggled. Truth was I wanted it too.

I grabbed Travis's hand and intertwined our fingers together, kissing him lightly one more time before dragging him out of the cafe and back down the street to the hotel.

"So how did you even get here? I didn't see your impala at the hotel." I looked up at Travis, trying to occupy my mind with something other than how badly I wanted to kiss him, again.

"Uhm...." Travis paused and scratched his head. "My driver dropped me off."

My eyes widened. "YOU HAVE A DRIVER?!?!?!"

Travis laughed a bit. "Yes. But I only ask him to take me somewhere if my parents force me too." he paused for a beat. "Or if I'm hoping to have the pretty girl drive me home."

I could feel a blush rising into my cheeks. 'He thinks I'm pretty.'

"so where's your car?" Travis smiled watching me.

"it's the jeep. Over there." I pointed at the car that I shared with my mom.

"Well then let's go." Travis pulled me to the jeep wrapping his arms around my waist when we were on the drivers side. "So, miss Sarah. Will you drive me home?"

I looked at him pretending to stop and think about it. "Well Travis that depends. Do you plan on kissing me again?"

Travis smiled. "All night if I could." As soon as the words were out of his mouth his lips were on mine. He was kissing me again, and I was kissing him back! I moved my hands to his chest, yesterday I thought he didn't have much muscle but now I could feel them, he was strong, a lot stronger than he looks at first glance.

He pulled me closer to him and I moved my hands up and around his neck. I was running out of air again. Slowly, regretfully, I pulled away from Travis breathing hard.

"We should go." I smiled saying the words quietly.

"I know." Travis watched me, his big emerald eyes looking sad like he didn't want to leave me just yet.

I pushed him away playfully and got into the car watching him in my rear view mirrors as he walked around and got in on the other side. Suddenly a thought occurred to me 'no one said we had to go home right this minute'. I put my key in the ignition and started the car.


"Why are we stopping at a park?" Travis looked at me smirking.

"I just thought since neither of us really wanted to go...." I didn't even get to finish my sentence before Travis was kissing me again. Kissing me lightly on my lips, then my cheek, then my neck.

"You're so beautiful." he mumbled into my neck.

I smiled slightly to myself. "Come on." I pushed him away and got out of the jeep.


"So what exactly do you plan on having us do here?"

I shrugged my shoulders, laughing. "More kissing?"

Travis laughed too. "That sounds like a great plan."

I sat down in the grass and patted the ground next to me waiting for Travis to sit too.

"So... Where do we start?" Travis asked taking the seat offered him.

"How 'bout where we left off?" I leaned over and kissed his lips lightly.



"Yes!" I answered Travis' question watching for his reactions. "Although short and needlessly ended it was good while it lasted. It made quite the statement too, especially Serenity. Oncer?" I asked him back.

"Of course." Travis stared at our entwined hands, rubbing his thumb in circles on the back of my hand.

"Would you be my Prince Charming?"

"No." Travis' face was completely serious. "But I'll be the Rumpelstiltskin to your Belle." Unable to contain it anymore his face broke out into a large grin that spread from ear to ear. "I mean if you want anyways."

I couln't help but grin with him it was like it was a disease that i couldn't help contracting. "Oh. I don't know." I said with mock severity. "I'll probably have to think about it." I wrapped my hands in his shirt pulling him closer and kissing him again.

I don't know what it was about him, but i just wanted to keep kissng him; I probably wouldn't even object to kissing him all day and never stopping, like ever. I mean I had fantasized about kissing his brother many times, probably every other day or so, but I never imagined it would be like this. Travis' touch sent electricity shooting through my body, and i didn't want it to stop. The contact of his lips caused the butterflies in my stomach to go crazy, twisting it into knots. I pulled away from him biting my bottom lip.

"You know, you really don't help when you do stuff like that." Travis watched me closely. "That whole biting your lip thing, it just makes me want to keep kissing you."

I smiled brightly at him, he wanted to keep kissing me as much as I wanted to keep kissing him.

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