12- Jurors Watching

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Chapter 12


*****Two Weeks Later*****3rd person POV*****

"Sarah." the judge looked at her expectantly. "Answer the question."

Sarah looked back at the judge with pure loathing in her eyes. "Fifth amendment." She said, "I don't have to say ANYTHING."

"Sarah," her fathers lawyer was looking exhausted, "this is a custody case, not a damned criminal trial. It's a simple question. Is there any reason why your father should not have custody over you?"

Sarah looked frantically through the crowd for Travis. Finally she found him and his green eyes met hers, ever so slightly he nodded his head, encouraging her to answer.

"Yes." her voice was small and strained. The judge and the lawyer looked at her, relieved that she was finally speaking. "because he.." her voice broke "Because he hurt me." Her fathers eyes flashed with anger, and betrayal.

Up until two months ago she had thought her father was a good guy that her mother was broken because he left. But when he came back into Sarah's life she realized, her mother was broken because he had stayed longer than he was welcome.

Sarah's eyes met Travis's again and held his gaze, pleading with him to be her Merlin and work some miraculous magic to come to her rescue.

Travis wordlessly apologized, nodding his head towards the large bailiff standing at the end of his row. 'I'm right here' he mouthed 'if you need me I'll be there in seconds'. Sarah smiled dimly at him showing her understanding.

"Hurt you?" The lawyer seemed to have finally regained his ability to speak. "Hurt you how?"

Sarah moved her shirt off of her should revealing the large yellow and blue bruises that decorated her neck, shoulders, and chest. "There's more on my legs and stomach too." she spoke silently, afraid of her fathers wrath.

"Do you have any witnesses to this fact?" the lawyer watched Sarah's father in astonishment, as of it was the most incredible thing in the world that a man, as seemingly well put together as him, could do something like that.

Sarah nodded her head. "My boyfriend and my cousin." Sarah's gaze left Travis for the first time since she had admitted to her fathers abuse. "He hit them too." Macy and Travis stood up and the judge beckoned them forward. Travis' black eye, although fading, was still visible, and Macy had small cuts on her lip and above her eyebrow.

Sarah laughed bitterly "Travis just wanted to take me out for the night, and Macy, she just happened to be in the wrong place at the right time. Neither of them deserved this."

The judge raised his hands, "I've seen enough. I've come to my decision. Sarah will stay with Macy, as for Mr. Pontern, I would Consider having a very serious talk with your lawyer if you don't want to go to jail."


Sarah stepped down from the witness stand and into Travis' arms. "I'm here" Travis said quietly into her hair. "I'm here and I'm not going to leave you. Ever. You got that?"

Sarah nodded her head slightly, her body shaking with fear and pain. She pulled away from Travis, meeting her fathers burning eyes.

"You'll pay for this you little brat." he hissed. "You. And your little sex toy too." he paused, a prideful smile on his lips at the look on the twos faces. "Oh. I'm sorry. Did you not think I knew about what you and your little boy have been doing in the dark? I know everything and I'll make you pay for it. All of it."

Sarah's hands began to shake, the shivers spreading til her whole body was shaking like a leaf in the wind.

"Hey. I got you. I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I- I need you too much." Travis held Sarah close to him, rubbing his hands in soothing circles on her back. "I got you." he whispered again.

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