4- One Day of Comicon

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Chapter Four


I open my eyes and sit up slowly putting my glasses on so I can see what's around me. I look over at my side table and reach for my phone, but its not there. Scratching my head I try to find where I put my phone the night before. Finally I find it underneath my pillow and check the time.

10:45. There's a couple small notifications at the top of the screen.

Travis: Good morning gorgeous, I couldn't stop thinking about you last night. Can I see you?

Travis: Sarah? What d'you say wanna hang out?

Travis: Are you even up yet :) lol

I smiled at the phone and unlocked it typing a quick response.

"I'm up now :) where do you want to meet." my thumb hesitates over the send button before finally tapping the screen and sending the message. No going back now. Quickly I run into the bathroom and plug in my CHI straightener (another gift, I think this guys name was Steve, or maybe it was Bob.) and take off my glasses putting in my contacts. I brush out my hair causing it to frizz insanely and stand out about an extra two feet from my head.

Slowly I begin to pin the top three layers of my hair up in three separate places, straightening the bottom layer, then pulling down the next layer and straightening it. I do this two more time until my hair is completely straight.

I'm not very good with makeup but I wanna look good for Travis, so I add a bit of black mascara and eyeliner and a touch of pink gloss to my lips. I stare at my reflection in the mirror, not bad, could be worse.

Suddenly I feel a cold chill run up my legs and I look down at my body, I'm still wearing my pajamas, sofies and a tee-shirt.

I don't know what I'm going to wear so I walk back to my room and look through my drawers. Finally I decide on a pair of light blue denim short shorts and a TARDIS blue tank top with a white sweater over the top. I check my phone to see if Travis responded.

He has.

Travis: meet me at 500 E Caeser Chavez street it's a hotel I'll meet you around back by the kitchens

I smiled and typed my reply "Sounds good I'll see you there. Half an hour?"

The reply came back instantly.

Travis: half an hour it is :) see you then

I smiled sitting on my bed, holding the clothes I picked out close to my chest.

"Well you look happy. What's up?" Macy stood in my door way beaming at me. "Finally get a date or something." She meant it as a joke, which kind of stung a little bit but I shook it off.

"As a matter of fact I did." I moved towards the door. "now if you'll excuse me I have to finish getting ready." I shut the door in her face locking it as I did so she couldn't get back in.

I changed quickly, adding my lucky Harry Potter necklace (which I tucked under my shirt), a TARDIS necklace, a "bowties are cool" bracelet, and a Weeping Angels bracelet that said don't blink.

I grabbed my set of the jeep keys and took off down the stairs.

"Bye Macy!" I screamed into the empty house and slammed the door behind me.


Twenty minutes later I was pulling up to the backside of a hotel, it seemed really crowded and busy, but I managed to find a parking spot near the kitchens entrance where Travis was standing waiting for me.

He smiled when he saw me walk up. "I was beginning to think you were gonna be a no show."

I smiled and shook my head. "What are we doing here?"

Travis looked shocked. "Come on." he said. "You're the biggest fangirl i'be ever met you can't tell me you don't know what today is!!! It's all over the Internet and.... Everywhere."

I paused to think... Today was the 24th of November, 2013. ComiCon. I smiled broadly. "You brought me to ComiCon!!!!"

Travis's smooth face pulled up into a smile, a gorgeously perfect smile that gave me butterflies and made me want to kiss him and eliminate any space between us. I resisted shaking my head.

"Why would you do this for me??" I asked him, confused. " I'm no one special."

Travis looked at me almost sadly and yet with a hint of longing too, like he too wanted to close the gap between us. "You're VERY special" he says quietly, watching me, almost reaching out to touch me and then thinking better of it.

"Come on. Let's go inside."

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