16- Hospital Shippers

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*****Chapter 16*****

****************Sarah's POV*******************

"Sarah......... Sarah......... Sarah..........." Mike stood at the foot of my bed knocking his knee repeatedly against the footing. "Hey, you uhm.... you okay? You don't look so good."

"Gee thanks Mike, that's exactly what every girl wants to hear as soon as she wakes up. Remind me again how you don't have a girlfriend?" I smirked and sat up in the bed wincing as I did. 

"I choose not to." Mike smiled. "Glad you're not dead."

"Oh really? Cause you've spent the last four years telling me otherwise."

"Yeah. Sorry about that, Sarah. I mean it I really am. I know I've basically dedicated my life to making you feel like crap for the last couple of years, but I never actually really would never want you dead. The world would be a poorer place wothout you."

"More poor is probably the more poroper way of saying it, but I'll let it slide because that was just so heart felt and touching." I smiled again. "Thanks Mike." 

"I just.... I never understood how you could be so into your books and shows. It was like they were real to you."

"They still are." I said. "They might not be real to you, or anyone else in the world for that matter but, they are here with me, always, and no matter what. Even when no one else was there for me they were. My books, my TV shows, The Doctor, Tris, Katniss, Sherlock, all of them" 

"See, that's another thing I never understood." Mike said, he looked nervous, "I mean I don't understand what you're saying half the time when you're talking. Yet somehow, I still thought you were the most incredible thing in the world, and I didn't want anyone else near you. So I did the only thing I could think of, I made you a social outcast."

I was stunned into silence. Then Mike did something that surprised me even more, he took a step closer to me and reached out for my hand.

"Mike." I said. "Mike don't. Don't make me have to push you away. Please, just don't."

Mike dropped my hand and stepped back again. "I'm sorry." he said. "I just....."

"Don't Mike. I mean it..... Just don't." 

Mike nodded his head and turned away. "Yeah. You're right. I'm just gonna walk away now." 

I watched Mike walk off down the hallway for a minute and then closed my eyes, laying back against the small pile of pillows behind my back. After a few minutes laying there with my eyes closed I heard footsteps walking into the room, I opened my eyes just a slit to see Travis standing there quietly smiling at me. 

"Hey." He spoke brightly, "I saw Mike, he said he came by to see you. What'd he say to you? It wasn't anything mean, was it?" 

"No. He... He told me he had...... had a uhm... a crush on me." I said nervously.

"Oh. He told you about that?"

"You knew?" I asked incredously, "But... What?"

"Yeah, he..... Well he never actually said it straight out, but we all basically knew, I mean he never stopped talking about you, just always turning the conversation to you no matter what they had been talking about before, I kind of always just listened to what they were saying, but he just, I mean you could just tell he thought you were special." Travis said, "I mean not that i blame him, you really are the most unique person I've ever met."

I smiled a little at his last part, but I was still absolutely bewildered by it. "I just don't understand." I said.

"Yeah. He's a little difficult to understand." Travis sat down on my bed. "But, that doesn't matter. What matters is this, right here, right now, that you're alive." Travis leaned in placing his hand at the bottom, back of my neck, "and that we're both safe, because of you." Travis pulled me up a bit more and met me halfway, kissing me lightly.

I smiled, although admitedly more than just a little upset, when he pulled away.

"Come here." I moved over to make room for him, turning onto my side to face him. Travis laid down too so that we were face to face. "I love you Travis." I whispered quietly, and I kissed him. And he kissed me back, and my arms were around his neck, and his around my waist pulling me closer to him.

"I love you too, Sarah." Travis whispered breathlessly. "I love you too."

I wanted to keep kissing him, and never stop. But just then the doctor walked in and cleared his throat. Travis helped me sit up and grabbed my hand, entwining his fingers with mine.

"Sarah, how are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling better, still really sore though."

"Well that's to be expected, but you seem to be healing nicely, and it should be a couple more days before you can go home." The doctor smiled at me. "I'll be back in later to see how you're doing."

I smiled at him and laid back down on the bed as he walked out, shutting the door behind him. Travis laid back down too, so we were once again face to face. 

Travis laughed, "I bet he wasn't expecting to find us like that." 

"No. I think he pretty much saw it coming." I smiled. "The nurses have been watching us through the windows almost constantly. I think they all ship us." 

Travis laughed again. "Well that's perfectly fine, because you know what? I ship us too."


Okay i don't usually do Authors notes but i wanted to let you guys know a little bit about the attatched youtube video..... it's Sam Tsui and Nick Pitera singing 'For Good' from the broadway musical Wicked and it's absolutely amazing and i listened to it the whole time i was writing this tonight and i feel it's only right to give these two at least an acknowledgement and you should all check it out

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