7- Make Out or Study

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Hi guys so I know it's been a couple weeks and I know my chapters are SUPER short but in my defense my computer still doesn't like wattpad so I use my iPod to type them and they seem über long on here until after I've already published and so yeah well I could really use your guys votes if you like the story if not I'm sorry just walk away now but don't post any hate..... So yeah here's your lovely chapter seven!!!!!!!!!


*****Travis' POV*****

I sat on the couch watching Firefly but my mind was far from Captain Reynolds and his gangly band of thieves. It was on the beautiful girl texting me.

Sarah: so does this mean we're officially a couple?

I smiled at her words thinking carefully about the kisses wee had shared the night before. It was incredible- she was incredible; smart, funny, talented, and beautiful. Quickly i typed a reply and returned to my show while waiting for a response.

*****Sarah's POV*****

My phone vibrated against my textbook, making me jump. I looked at it quickly, smiling to myself at his answer to my question.

Travis: only if you want it too. So Sarah that leaves the question; will you go out with me, officially?

I thought for a moment about all the years that i had spent pining after Travis' older brother. All that time seemed- stupid now. How had I never noticed Travis' before he was right there always next to Joey (metaphorically of course not literally) except, he was more- perfect. He epitomized perfection in a fanboy.

I answered his text a wide grin growing on my face, obviously i said no. (JUST KIDDING HOW COULD I SAY NO TO THIS AMAZINGLY PERFECT GUY?!?!?!?!) The text back almost instantly.

Travis: GREAT!!! Soooo girlfriend wanna hang out today?

I frowned. I couldnt, not today, i had a huge test in AP Psychology tomorrow, and when i say huge, i meant HUGE, plus i had calculus homework and Government and Economics had me writing an essay about the electoral systems advantages and disadvanteges. I texted Travis back trying to explain my situation to him. It didn't take long for him to reply again.

Travis: I could come over and we could study together.

I smiled again, this boy was relentless, not that i minded. I said okay and got up to grab my econ book to start working on the essay.


There was a light knock on my bedroom door and i got up looking down at what i was wearing, black short shorts and a yellow top (hufflepuff colors), with my curly hair in a high ponytail. I opened the door wide and looked out into the hazel green eyes of my cousin.

"Someone's here for you." Macy smirked stepping out of the way to reveal a very nervous Travis. "Don't do anything i wouldn't do."

"That doesn't leave much that we can't do Macy." I grinned. "leaves lots of options for what we can do though."

Macy grinned back, "Just don't do anything stupid."

I nodded my head. "welcome to my humble abode Travis." I re-entered my room and sat down at my desk while he sat cross-legged on my floor leaning against my bed.

"so... your cousin she's...."

"insane, weird, emo..." I smiled watching him pull books out of his bag.

"Different... i was going to say different..."

I laughed seeing how uncomfortable he was. "It's okay," I said, "we all know how odd she is. She's the only bad child in my entire family. Even my mom was a goody-good until my dad left us." I grabbed my econ book and my journal and sat on the floor next to him leaning onto his shoulder. "I wish i didnt have all this stupid work to do." I sighed.

Travis kissed the top of my head pulling me closer to him, putting his hand on my waist. "As long as I'm sitting next to you, I don't care what we're doing."


Travis ran his fingers through my hair slowly, playing with the dark curls, as i stared up into his pale green eyes. We had both finished our essays and calc homework over an hour ago and were now taking a break from studying for psych.

"Number one worst thing people do in fanfictions?"

"orbs." I answered his question easily. Travis laughed. "No seriously," i nodded my head, "who says orbs? Like, 'I looked into his emerald green orbs' Seriously? that doesnt even make sense, plus it just sounds really creepy stalker-ish."

Travis kept laughing, really, really hard. "True." he said wiping a small tear off his cheek, while still grinning like a two year old that had been told he could get candy from the store. "You know," Travis smirked, "You're really hot like this."

I sat up, a small smirk playing on my own face. "like what? like this?" I said getting up and straddling his lap.

"This works." Travis grinned, putting his hands on my hips, and leaning forward for a kiss.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and entangled my fingers into his hair pulling my body closer to his til there was no space left between us.

I would have continued kissing him if it weren't for the damn human need to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen.

Travis pulled away leaning his forhead up against mine, leaving the both of us smiling and breathing heavily.

"We should probably go back to studying psychology." Travis whispered breathlessly. Damn, I almost forgot why he was at my house in the first place.

"Yeah." I turn around and sit inbetween Travis's legs pulling my psych book up onto my lap, leaning back into his chest. "How'd i find such an utterly hot nerd?" I tease him.

Travis kisses my neck lightly and answers, "You didn't. I found you, remember?" I giggle a bit and look at the book in front of us.

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