13- Unlucky Day

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*****Chapter Thirteen*****

************Sarah's POV************

By the time that I was done with school, I had decided that the thirteenth day of the month (friday or not) is not my lucky day. Almost everyone in school had seen and/or heard about my dads "domestic abuse" charges. Most gave me looks of pity as they passed me in the halls or just steered clear of me in general, like I had inherited my dads abusive personality and might snap at any moment.

I was at my wits end, on the verge of tearing my hair out and screaming at the top of my lungs, "I'M NOT A PSYCHOPATH SO STOP STARING AT ME AND GET THE F**** OUT OF MY BUSINESS!!!!" but of course that would just draw more attention to me, so instead i just pulled up the hood on my jacket and walked quietly to my jeep. Travis walked up behind me and slipped his hand into mine.

"Don't scream." He whispered in my ear. " Not yet, just get to the car and then you can scream like a dalek and exterminate them all if you really want to."

I smiled a little and squeezed his hand to tell him I understood. I was afraid that if opened my mouth I might actually scream something homicidal, whether I actually meant to or not.

Travis opened the drivers side door to my jeep, "My lady." I slipped into the seat and pulled the door shut. I waited for Travis to get into the passenger seat before squeezing out a scream through my teeth. 

Travis sat quietly waiting for me to calm myslef down. "I can't deal with the way they all stare at me, like I'm a freak, or a ticking time bomb thats about to explode, or, or I don't even kno what they think i am." I took a deep breath in and released it slowly. "and there's nothing i can do, or, or, say to make them realize that I'm not.... insane."

"Not everyone thinks you're a ticking time bomb." Travis placed his hand on my leg. "I don't. Believe it or not i actually stare at you for other reasons. LIke, maybe, possibly because I think that you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."

"Maybe, possibly?" I quirked an eyebrow up and cocked my head to the side looking at him. 

"Maybe. Maybe you're more than that. Maybe, you're one of the most important people in my life." 

"hmmm, maybe. I like that maybe idea." I said. I leaned my head foreward, placing my forehead on his. " ' Maybe, maybe can be our always.' " I joked 

"Maybe." Travis smiled and I could feel his forehead rise when he did. 


"ugh seriously!?!?!?" I slammed my hand down on the horn wanting so bad to cuss out the idiot who put their blinker on, and didnt turn, but instead, pulled out in front of me. Just my luck today. Honestly the thirteenth day of the month is not my day.... at all. 

I pulled up to the next stop light and looked at my phone.

Travis: calm down i can feel your frustration from here.

I looked in my rearview mirror at the, admitedly extremely attractive, boy in the drivers seat of the car behind me. I stuck my tongue out at him and turned back around waiting for the light to change. Just as the light turned green i heard my phone go off beside me again. I pulled forward and kept driving until the next stop light before I checked my phone again. (What??? did you expect some dramatic scene where I check the phone while driving and get into a horrible accident and then Travis is crying over my lifeless body???? come on I'm smarter than that... my mom died in a car accident remember) 

Travis: real mature sweetie.

I typed back quickly, checking periodically for the light to change. 

I'm not immature you're just a big doodyhead. :P


"Macy, we're home!!!!" I hollered into the near empty house. Macy had been home a lot more often since the trial, I guess she was afraid he would come back, but even so she still went out quite a bit.

"I'm in the back!!"

I walked, with travis at my heels, into the back room to greet Macy. "Hey." 

"Hey." I smiled weakly at macy. "Travis and i are just gonna go hang out upstairs. We'll be gone in about an hour or so again in case you decide you need us."

"Okay. Don't get into trouble." 

I led Trvis up the stairs and into my room. "I'm sorry it's such a mess. I just haven't really had a chance to clean it up."

"It's fine." Travis smiled and layed down with his feet crossed at the ankles. "Come on." Travis gestured me over. "Lay down. Relax. You can cry now if you want. It's almost over now." 

"almost." I said "We still have the criminal trial to deal with, and oh goody thats going to be on national telivision too. WHOOPEE" 

"Come on, just forget about it for now." Travis grabbed my hand and pulled me down onto the bed. "Just calm down, relax, and forget, at least for a little while." Travis grabbed my neck and pulled my head closer to his kissing me softly. "Everything will be okay." He whispered quietly to me after he pulled away. "It'll be okay."

"I know," I said smiling. "and you know how I know?"

"Hmm." Travis nodded.

"Because you're here, with me, right now, and that makes everything okay." I moved onto the bed beside Travis and layed down with my head on his chest.

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