14. Shade

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This chapter is dedicated to sweetypie1308. Thanks for all your support.

Please go check out Natalie by SabrinaSkyeUniverse. Thanks:)


"That was close."

I let out a long sigh of relief as Blue put the key in the ignition, running a hand nervously through her hair.

"Can we leave already?" Charlie impatiently asked, still seeming tenser than everyone else. To be honest I'd expected Charlie of all people to be able to remain calm and keep herself together. Turns out I was completely wrong.

"Where to?" Blue asked, starting the car. I could sense a bit of contempt in her words, coming to the conclusion that Charlie was beginning to aggravate her.

"Calum's?" Charlie suggested.

"With Jax there?" Calum spoke up. "I don't think that's such a good idea."

"He might not even be there," Charlie shrugged in response. "Where else would we go? The sorority's a definite no... the walls have ears."

"I have a key card to one of the computer labs on east campus," Calum suggested, taking all his random possessions out of his hoodie pocket which included his phone, wallet, a set of keys and a university master card.

"Oh, great," Charlie smiled.

"How do you even have that?" Blue asked as we stopped at a red light.

"Don't ask," Calum sighed, catching my eye in the side view mirror on our side of the car.

He'd never told me about the master card before, but I just shrugged it off. He'd probably gotten it through his various connections to steal more time for assignments or something weird like that that only Calum would do.

A few tension filled moments later we'd reached the computer building on the east side of campus. Time had really sped up while we were at the station, and classes were already long done for the day.

We quietly walked down various hallways and up a few flights of stairs, the only other person we'd encountered being a janitor who didn't take notice of us, even after Calum shouted an enthusiastic "Hi!" his way.

We stopped at lab 204 and Calum swiped the card across the scanner, prompting the red light to flicker to green.

"We're going to have to leave the lights off so that we don't raise any suspicion," Calum said as we followed him to one of the many computers in the lab. He sat down and switched it on.

I glanced at the outer wall of the lab that was just made of glass, overlooking the entire east side of the university that seemed like a ghost town. The academic side of the school was usually pretty quiet after 7pm every day, with most students drinking out their sorrows at some or other party - even during the week.

I turned my attention back to Calum who'd inserted the flash drive and was now scanning its contents.

"How are we going to get the suspects if it's just IDs?" Charlie asked.

"We can run them through the university's database," Calum shrugged, sitting back in his chair.

"But that'll only have students and lecturers on it," I frowned. "Won't it?"

"Well..." Blue said, her facial expression suggesting what she thought about the content of the suspect list.

It was really likely that a good percentage of the suspects were somehow involved with the university in some way or another, or that's what I was hoping. It would make all of this a whole lot easier. Having to investigate the outside world... it would be way too much to deal with, and no one had the time.

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