8. Suspect

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So we added Jax into the cast list because a few people asked about that. Also check out Purgatory by Sweetypie1308.

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Delta's POV

It took Blue exactly eight minutes and thirty-eight seconds to get to the apartment and in that time, Calum and I had managed to discuss almost every possible way the article could be interpreted - and none of it made sense.

Calum got up to open the door for Blue while I sat in his room, rereading the article and highlighting key points.

"Took you long enough," I said to Blue without turning around. "You remember that interview the press had with the... Hey Ashton."

Oh no, this couldn't be happening. I sat in shock as I witnessed him enter the room, not at all sure how this was going to be handled.

Blue sat down a little awkwardly on Calum's beanbag chair after visibly considering the floor, and Calum slowly sat down on his bed. Ashton just smiled and stared at everyone, waiting for someone to say something.

We weren't planning on involving anyone, for very obvious reasons. We still didn't know who the murderer was and it could easily be someone we were acquainted with, especially considering this newfound information. I wasn't saying that it was Ashton, I just didn't want the situation to overcomplicate itself.

"Err, hey," Ashton finally said, probably feeling the uncomfortable vibe. "Are you okay? I mean, you look okay so..."

"Yeah, I'm fine," I smiled, hoping it seemed reassuring and not as awkward as it felt.

"Because Blue said you needed her, so I offered to bring her because I didn't want her to drive and she seemed a little stressed out and ..." Ashton carried on rambling and I shot Calum a pleading look.

"Want something to drink, Ash?" Calum asked, getting up and gesturing to the door.

"Oh, no thanks, I'm good bro," Ashton smiled and I could almost see Calum internally face palm.

This was not going well.

"What interview were you talking about?" Ashton asked me after a few silent seconds.

"Oh, just the one with Kim Kardashian," I quickly said.

"Yeah, Delta and I were admiring the dress she was wearing."

"That was a good dress," Calum helped out, even though I'm pretty sure he had no idea what we were talking about. I hoped.

Ashton nodded in what I could only pray was understanding just as a computerised female voice drown out the silence with "Download complete".

I tried not to groan as I remembered that Calum had manipulated his settings so that he was always alerted whenever his downloads were ready.

Unfortunately, the video we'd downloaded from a link in the article automatically opened and the began playing.

"Mr Hoffman, has there been any other information released regarding the suspects of the Vanessa Campbell mur -"

I spun around so fast and hit pause that I might have given myself whiplash.

"Hey, why are you guys -"

"We're not," Blue said, a little too quickly.

"But you just downloaded a video -"

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