Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I walked out of fifth period accompanied by Scarlett and soon, Jonny. "So how goes it Kort?" Jonny asked smiling really weird. "Good? And what's up with the smile Jonny?" He smiled even bigger, "Oh nothing!"  Ok, weird I thought. Obviously Scarlett talked to Jonny already about this 'plan' of hers.

I wanted to believe it was just a joke, but something in the back of my mind it wasn't. I walked into my fifth period art class and sat next to Scarlett. "So" Scarlett said, playing with her bright red hair. "I see Vince and Aiden." She started waving her hand and to them, signaling for them to sit with us. "No" I whispered. "What's the matter? It's just Vince and Aiden." I sighed in defeat as Vince sat next to me.

Vince was my best guy friend, our mothers are practically sisters. They were so tight they even bought houses next to each other, so I can see Vince whenever I want. We always did things together when we were younger you couldn't separate us. "Hey Kortnii, what’s up?" Vince asked. In art class we didn't have desks, just huge tables. "Nothing much. You know just chillin, killin." "Good to know. I heard from Aiden here that you two are going to be step-siblings." He leaned back in his chair casually. "Yup" I said, popping the p.

I looked around and my eyes settled on Aiden. He was sitting at my table. MY TABLE. This day was getting worse and worse. I don't hate the kid but I sure do hate his girlfriend. And when they break up, she is gonna give me hell. "Hey Kortnii you can stop staring at me now, you’re kinda freaking me out" Aiden said nervously. I turned my head quickly and whispered to Scarlett, "Why did you do this to me?"  "It's for your own good sweet heart. Plus I like playing matchmaker."  Matchmaker? Really?

After art we walked to lunch and already at the table was Jonny, Jessica, Emily and. What the hell!? Xavier was there too! "What are YOU doing here?" I said angrily. "Pumpkin, I'm your friend's boyfriend why would I not be here?"  I rolled my eyes and sat opposite from him. "Sorry Kortnii, You know he is my friend" Jonny said. Xavier was my worst enemy and half the school hated him. Except for most of the girls, Jonny, and his current girlfriend, Jessica. I loved Jessica, I really did, but sometimes I worry about her taste in guys. And since Xavier so happened to pop up in this story maybe you should know a bit about him.

It was back in the fifth grade, Xavier just moved here at the end of the year, and already he was getting bullied. I saved him from getting beat up after school one day and we became really good friends. We were friends all the way up until the middle of eighth grade. He asked me to go to the dance with him and I said no. I don't like dances and I didn't want to go with him anyway, it would be too awkward. He was fine with it at the time, but I knew he was hurt. So the afternoon before the dance my friends came over and forced me to get ready and go.

When I got there Xavier was there with another girl and when he saw me he got really mad. "I thought you didn't want to go Kortnii!" "I didn't!" I replied. "My friends made me!" "Oh sure they did" He sneered. After that night he never talked to me again, and the only time he did was to make rude comments or make fun of me.

"So Kortnii, I'm breaking up with Liz now," Aiden said, breaking my thoughts. "Good luck I hope you don't get killed." He laughed, "Yeah and when she kills me she'll be after you so be careful." He walked off to Elizabeth's table and in a matter of seconds; we heard this piercing scream from no other than Elizabeth. "What!? No! You can't break up with me!" She yelled jumping out of her seat. "I am so get over it." Aiden replied.

"It's all because of that stupid Kortnii girl isn't it!?"

"No Elizabeth it's you! I can't take you anymore"

"Ugh I'm gonna kill that bitch! She's gonna wish she was never born!"

Elizabeth walked around Aiden and came charging at me, "There's the bitch!"  I closed my eyes waiting for her to tackle me. At times I'm such a wimp. I heard an "Ump” on the ground in front of me. I slowly opened my eyes to see Scarlett on top of Elizabeth screaming, "YOU KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF HER YOU LITTLE BITCH!" and smashed her head on the ground. Oh shit, I thought, I'll never hear the end of this.

Xavier laughed and said, "Learn to fight your own battles Kortnii. Don't be such a wuss!"  "Shut the fuck up Xavier." I said as I got out of my seat and pulled Scarlett off of the now unconscious, Liz.  "Kortnii Akin and Scarlett Prutowski to the Principal's office immediately." said a lady over the loud speaker.  I groaned as I linked arms with Scarlett and headed off to meet our doom.

"How could you ladies do such a thing!?" Principal Mackey asked. She paced around the room with her hands behind her back. "We are young ladies not animals!" "Sorry Miss Mackey but Elizabeth was going to kill Kortnii!" Scarlett said. "I don't care about what she was doing. I care about how your parents are going to take this. I already called them so don't try to beg." I sighed, now Scarlett can't come over."You two are suspended for the rest of the day." 

Scarlett and I walked back to the cafeteria, grabbed our things and said our goodbyes as we headed out the front door. Since I didn't have a car Scarlett took me home and she stayed with me since she already had her bag packed to come over.  "I heard what happened today," my mom said as she walked into my room. "Oh mom please don't-" "Don't worry Kort, I never really liked that Elizabeth girl anyway. But you don't have to worry about it. I heard her concussion was so bad she is going to the hospital right now and after she gets out, they are moving" I smiled in relief. I didn't really care about the whole concussion thing, just the part about her leaving.

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