Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Vince's POV

I sat down in the waiting room for Ms. Tara. She was the counselor Kortnii told me to go to. I felt oddly at home in the waiting room. Usually it they were white with hard plastic chairs but not this one. The room was small but had light tan walls, super comfy chairs, and tons of magazines. What stricked me as odd was the whole row of pamphlets about STDs and AIDS.

"Vince Truman?" A short lady with blonde hair said. I stood up as she turned to the door. I walked behind her and entered a small room. It was somewhat similar to the waiting room. It had the light tan walls and a big couch. On the other side was a desk full of papers and a large bookshelf filled with children's books and toys.

"Have a seat" the lady said, gesturing to the sofa. I sat down as she took her place in front of me. She leaned back in her desk chair, gazing at her clipboard. She looked up, "Hello my name is Ms. Tara how are you today?" I shrugged and leaned back.

She laughed and continued looking at the clipboard. "So what has been troubling you?" She asked putting her clipboard down, I stiffened as the memory flooded back to me. "You can tell me, I will not repeat anything."  I relaxed a little but still felt tense. I opened my mouth, "I'm here because... about two years ago my girlfriend died and I can't get over it.”

She looked sat and patted my hand, "Well don't worry, I’m here to help." I smiled at the thought

"So what was her name?"


"How old was she when she died?"


"How did she die?"

"Her and her little sister Michelle got into a car wreck. It was a hit and run by some drunk dude."

She looked down at my wrists and asked, "Do you cut because of the death?"

I nodded and pulled my arms away. I really didn't like people to see them, most of the time I covered them up with jackets or bracelets but I didn't feel like it today.

She wrote on her clipboard and said, "So you really loved her?"

"Yep" I replied, popping the p.

"So what you need is some sort of closure like talk to her"

I rolled my eyes. She's dead how can I talk to her!? She got out of her chair and sat by me. "Pretend that she is in the chair." "This is stupid" I replied looking down at my hands. "Maybe it would help if you just tried." I sighed. I guess I'll do this just to make her happy.

"Look Megan I love you and I always will. The night that I found out you got killed, I hurt myself. At one time I wanted to die. I don't anymore because your cousin Kortnii helped. I miss you so much and I want you to come back but you can't."

I sighed and sat back again. It felt like something had risen up a little inside of me, I felt better. "Well our thirty minutes is up. I hope I helped." I smiled and said, "Thanks" I left the room and went to make my next appointment for next Thursday at noon.


I sat in my room staring at the picture of me and Megan. I sighed and whispered, "So much has happened since you left. A lot of good and bad things. I wish you were there with me. I miss you." Someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned and my jaw dropped at the sight I was seeing. It was Megan.

"Hey Vince" She smiled her adorable smile.


She laughed, "I have been watching you and I want you to know it’s time to move on"

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