T h i r t y T w o

169 13 1

Calum - Therapy


The day Grace's parents received her winter report card was one I'll never forget.

Her grades were still straight A's so I don't even understand the issue but I'll tell you the breakdown anyways.

Our seasonal report cards come in four or five sections.

1. Grades
2. Effort levels
3. Attendance
4. Goals
5. Comments and queries

So when they saw we attendance, let's just say they were less than impressed because that term we flunked A LOT.

But her grades were still perfect so I genuinely don't see why they flipped their shit. I can still hear the slap echoes now if I focus on the memory hard enough.

Ashton even stepped up and told them that it was him who pulled her out of classes most of the time.

But they didn't care, so that was strike two for Grace.

They said to her five strikes and she was out.

This was nearly 8 months ago.


Grace - Calum Hood (completed) Where stories live. Discover now