Chapter 4

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(Michael's p.o.v)

I walked into the office, grinning from ear to ear. 

I got a letter this morning, from Gavin.

Who would've thought, one letter would make me feel as happy as I do. Not that it matters, all that matters is that he replied, and said he really missed me too.

Sad, sulky Michael was gone. Thanks to Gavin, good old Michael Jones was back. 

And everyone could tell.

"Michael? Why are you so happy?" 

I looked over at Barbara, smiling brightly. "An English asshole, millions of miles away."

She looked confused, giving me a look and walking into an office. I just kept on walking. 

I made my way into the room, saying 'hey' to the guys. Most of them simply waved, and as I sat down, I noticed Ray grinning at me. 

I looked over at him. "What?"

"Dude, you're mood has done a complete one-eighty since last week, I can tell. Now, I'm not trying to be self-centered, but if you want to thank a small brown man for anything he's done for you since, oh I don't know, last week-"

"Shut the fuck up, Ray." I said, cutting him off. He smirked. 

It was an average day of filming, gaming, swearing, you know, the usual. 

Although, I'd be lying if I said the empty desk next to mine made me a little upset.

I tried not to think of that, and focus more on the task at hand, the game. We were playing Minecraft, and I had been so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't even realize I was being attacked by a skeleton. The screen went red. I had died. 

"Fucking skeleton." I muttered, respawning. 

Our adventure in Achievement City and the Minecraft world went on for a good hour and a half. None of the guys brought up Gavin or his absence, which made me think that Ray might have said something, but I was happy they didn't. 

"I'm super fucking hungry!" Ray exclaimed, getting up from his desk. 

"Me too." Geoff said, taking a look at his phone. "Let's go out to eat!"

We all agreed and as we drove around, we ended up eating at Taco Bell. We sat in a booth, with Ryan and Jack sitting next to me and Geoff and Ray sitting across from us. We ate, cracking jokes and talking about whatever came to mind.

I grabbed my phone from the table, checking my twitter. I saw that Gavin had been tweeting.

@GavinFree: So happy to finally be back in England with @DanielGruchy! Missed my lads back home and excited for an even longer stay!

I frowned. I knew I shouldn't, because I knew how happy Gavin was about his trip, but it didn't make me feel much better about it.

"What's wrong, man?" Geoff asked, looking concerned.

"Ah, it's nothing." I said, taking a drink. That seemed to work for Geoff, but Ray was looking at me like he knew why I had gotten upset.

Ray always knows when something's up, and I feel relieved that I can have someone to talk to about stuff but at the same time it's annoying as shit.

We finished, driving back to the office to finish what was left of the workday. Though spending another hour yelling at my computer while filming a Rage Quit and messing with Miles and Kerry was fun and all, I was really looking foward to getting home and writing to Gavin.

At long last, it was time to go home. Once there, I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and began filling the lines.

Dear Gavin,

Texas is Texas and work is work. Heh, I could say the same thing. Ever since we started writing, I've been non-stop smiling. Everyone says 'hey' and that they miss you, especially Ray. He hasn't left me alone since he figured out I started writing and took pride in knowing it was his idea. But I can't thank him enough, as crazy as that may sound. Tell Dan we said hello and that we're expecting some new slomoguys videos this week. I miss you, dude. Do you know how fucking weird it is to sit at my desk and not have you say something stupid or start to giggle when I get mad? What's even worse is that I actually miss it, no offense. I know you're going to be gone for a long time, but I gotta say, ever since we started writing, it's as if you never even left.

Goodnight/Goodmorning, Gav.

 Love, Michael.

I folded the sheet, slipping it into the envelope and making a mental note to go to the post office tomorrow morning.

Maybe several months wouldn't be so bad after all.

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