Chapter 7

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(Gavin's p.o.v.)

My eyes poped open at around 9:30 am, and I still had the hugest smile on my face from remembering the video chat with Michael last week. He seems to do that a lot to me now and I really couldn't decide whether that was a good or a bad thing.

While in mid thought about this minor dilemma, I heard wheels from outside my window. I opened the curtains to investigate to see that the postman had arrived.

I felt my heart start to beat faster with excitement as I rushed out side with hope that Michael's letter would have gotten here. On the way I passed a half asleep Dan eating cheerios.

"Why so excited?" He said, with a mouth full of cereal.

"No reason!" I quickly replied as I sprinted out the door.

As I finally reached the mailbox, out of breath (Damn I'm really out of shape.), I opened up the the rectangular shaped mailbox and skimmed through letters. At first I was a bit sad because I hadn't seen the letter, but I then noticed the sneaky little bugger hiding behind one of the larger letters.

As soon as I saw his name I felt a smile start to form on my face. I quickly opened the envelope and started to read the letter that lay inside.

Dear Gavin,

Texas is Texas and work is work. Heh, I could say the same thing. Ever since we started writing, I've been non-stop smiling. Everyone says 'hey' and that they miss you, especially Ray. He hasn't left me alone since he figured out I started writing and took pride in knowing it was his idea. But I can't thank him enough, as crazy as that may sound. Tell Dan we said hello and that we're expecting some new slomoguys videos this week. I miss you, dude. Do you know how fucking weird it is to sit at my desk and not have you say something stupid or start to giggle when I get mad? What's even worse is that I actually miss it, no offense. I know you're going to be gone for a long time, but I gotta say, ever since we started writing, it's as if you never even left.

Goodnight/Goodmorning, Gav.

Love, Michael.

The smile never left my face as I happily walked back inside. I noticed Dan watching T.V. and I knew he noticed my very apparant excitement.

"Well you seem very happy." He said with a smile.

"Oh yes I am, very much so."

"And why is that?' He questioned.

I showed him the letter I had received from Michael. I don't know why I felt the need to explain my excitement even though my showing of the letter was plenty of evidence in the first place. I just felt as though i needed to let some of feelings out.

"I don't know Dan, it's like suddenly all I ever think about is Michael. It overjoys yet bothers me endlessly. I shouldn't feel this way for someone who constantly bashes me with hateful comments, but honestly those are some of the things I love the most about him. I adore the way he gets red whenever he's angry and I love his yawn whenever he's tired. Hell I even love the way he looked at me with those eyes when we we're video chatting last week. But, most of all.. I love him."

(Dan's p.o.v.)

Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael. Thats's all he ever talks about now.

Every time he mentiones that name with obvious love in his voice it kills me. I want to be happy for him, I really do, but it's so hard knowing the person that you've loved for two whole years now loves someone else.

As he said it, that damn phrase," I love him.", it felt like a knife being jammed into my heart.

I know I sound selfish but he's MY gavin. He's been in MY life way longer than Michael has.

Christ, what am I saying? I should be happy for him, he's happy after all. I just don't know anymore, all that I know is that this hurts, so fucking bad.

(Gavin's p.o.v.

) I closed the door to my room and immediately took out a pen and paper, and began to write.

Dear Michael,

I really enjoyed our video chat a few weeks ago. I haven't been able to stop smiling since. I miss everybody there so much. It feels so different not sitting next to a bunch of assholes who I love all day. You know it's funny, I never thought I could get so overjoyed by getting a letter from you. Speaking of you, how've you been getting along without me there? Because it sure is hell without you and the guys here. Dan also says hi back, and that he's got a battle wound from a recent slomoguy's video (which by the way should be coming out very soon.) Jesus, it's already been 3 months since I left. Heh, I forgot what your rage sounds like. Maybe we could video chat again so you can remind me. Sorry to cut this letter short but I've got to do some of my slomo stuff. Just know that I miss you more than words can describe.

your boi - Gavvy Wavvy

P.s. tell Ray I said MAAAAARK NUUUUUUUUUT and tell Geoff I said to shave his dirty hobo beard.

I neatly put mine and Michael's address on the envelope, along with a stamp and slipped the letter inside. I placed the envelope into our mailbox and raised the flag signaling the postman that post was being sent out.

I don't what happened during the time of me puting the letter in the mailbox that gave me a brilliant slomoguy's idea.

I rushed back inside and bursted through Dan's room. He looked up at me, greeting me with confused expression on his face.

"Get your lab coat on." I said with a smile "

Gladly." He smiled and we both ran out the door.

Before putting on my labcoat I quckly tweeted to Michael.

@GavinFree: @AH_Michael I hope you like my letter Mikey Wikey :D

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