Chapter 17: Answers.

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-Previously on Millennia

"Lexi. You should come and live with us. Your pretty chill. What do you say?" With Dave nodding in agreement.

Ummm, wh-what?

-And now on Millennia

_Alexis's pov_

Did I just fucking hear Brent Taddie, the Drummer of Crown The Empire correctly? These guys want me, Alexis Garcia, to live with them. Ar-Are they serious? I mean I don't even know how to respond to that, like why are they gonna bring a complete stranger in their home? Do they really trust me that much, it's not like I'm a bad person but ok I was their merch girl and friends wit-

"Lexi!" Taddie said loudly making me jump pulling me away from my thoughts. "Did you hear me?" He asked. I opened my mouth but then closed it while nodding my head. "Ye-yeah. I-I did. I just...have all of you guys talked about it like together?" I asked looking around the room at each one of them.

"Well of course, that day that we hung out, remember last Friday? After that" Hayden said while holding caity around her waist, aww cute. I nodded again and replied "so you guys are serious?"

"Of course Alexis, you were a great merch girl, better than Bailey and Brendan that's for sure" Andy laughed at the end. "And we want you to be there living with us so that whenever we go on tour again, you can come with us like all in one trip, you know? And make it easier for all of us." He added

Again - I nodded "well you guys, thank you for thinking about me, but my lease isn't up yet. I would say yes bu-"

"Oh fuck the lease Lex, those three months of you living on the road with us didn't effect you or your lease. How many months you got left?" Benn interuped me.

"Uh like three?" I replied not being to sure.

"Well I think that'll work out perfectly Alexis, your lease is almost up and them asking you to live with them. Like I said it's perfect." Mia said, then Benn leaned over to her and said something inaudible that made her blush a little. Aww.

I inhaled and said "alright. Let's do it" there was a whole bunch of 'yays' 'alright!' And 'aye' all I could do is laugh and think what am I going to get myself into?

"Ok so you'll move in asap" Taddie said while hugging me.

"Ok" I replied looking up at him.


Sorry this chapter is short but the next will be longer I promise. Thank you for the reads,votes & comments ily.

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