Chapter 31: I'll miss you ×7,000

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Previously on Millennia -

"Oh yeah for sure man" Hayden replied while hugging his new bestfriend. Which you and I know that Brandon will forever be Haydens bff. All of them were heading out the door shouting their last goodbyes. Brendan turned to David and said something in his ear. Dave nodded and smiled.

The house seemed a bit quieter now that people have left.

"Ok so I just got some word from Brendan that three other bands have said 'yes' to touring with us." He smiled at all of us. The guys shouted and gave each other high fives but as for me, I was worried. Worried that my heart might explode because I'm meet all these bands that I love. And to be honest I don't think my little heart can take anymore excitement. You are all invited to my funeral... Hydrangeas would be nice to put on my grave, so if you do come pls bring hydrnangeas to my grave to make it look pretty. Thank you...

And now on Millennia -

2 months later...

Alexis's pov▪

"Why do you guys have so much clothes!" I yelled out squeezing my eyes shut while folding their clothes into separate piles. No one's home, their out with the other bands finishing up loose ends before they leave for tour in a couple of weeks. Benn isn't going, he's been spending the last of the summer with Mia. He's been over there since he decided to leave CTE.

Andy and I have talked about me staying here and not go on tour with them. If it's like warped tour, I'll pass. Not that I didn't enjoy it but there's only so much you can handle with eachother. We've also talked about dating after he'd get back and I think I'll finally be ready by then. On another note, Bandit is just fine. He has lots of friends at the dog park. More friends than I'll ever have sadly.

I walked back into the living room and put the freshly washed clothes in their only piles. I have to make sure my boys smell nice. I flopped on the couch, exhausted, and turned on the TV. Flipping through the channel's I saw AMC is having a TWD marathon. Don't mind if I do.

|time skip|

"No! Don't take that! That looks like trash Brandon! Come on dude, think a little." I whined taking his ugly shirt out of hand that he was planning on packing.

"Lex, I'm a rocker. I don't give a fuck what I look okay? Can you hand me back my shirt please?" I asked holding out his hand. I huffed and returned the shirt back to him. I walked back to my room and rolled on my floor. I can't live with boys anymore, their so stubborn. Ugh.

"I have arrived" a person called out while coming in my room. Andrew.

I rolled over on my back to look at him. "You didn't even knock, what if I was changing or something?" I scoffed.

"Its not like I haven't seen you with your shirt off." He said in a tone of 'duh'. I rolled my eyes and sat up Indian style.

"Whats up?" I asked, my eyes following his every movement.

He sighed loudly "are you sure you want to wait til I get back from tour? Why aren't you ready now?" He whined. "I want to be with you so much Alexis. What if I can't wait for you? I want you now. Uhh, why must this be so difficult." He finished while sitting down next to me, resting his head on my shoulder.

"Ok first of all, chill. And I mean chill with...everything okay? Yes, I want to wait til you get back Andrew. I think we should wait, I feel like it's for the best. Honestly.." I replied resting my head against his. Smiling to myself "just don't think about it ok? Enjoy the tour, meet new fans. Make friends with the new crew your gonna have." I added. He nodded and got up.

"You're right...As much as I want this. I can wait" He smiled down at me.

2 weeks later...

"I'm gonna miss you guys so much!" I yelled coming down the stairs. Their all leaving tomorrow morning and I don't think I'm ready. "This house is gonna be so quiet." I added.

"Well miss you too guuuurl" Brandon replied. I smiled at his comment.

"Are you guys all packed?" I looked at all of them one-by-one. They nodded.

"Come on, let's make today awesome before we leave." David said while wrapping his arm around my shoulder. My eyes instantly lit up. I'm so ready.

| time skip|

"I'm a winner! WIIIIIINNERRR!" I shouted, successfully winning a game of Monopoly. *(a/n: did anyone think of that episode of SpongeBob where Mr.Krabs buys a prize machine thing and squidward won a prize by 'being the krane' and he yells 'I'm a winner' Anyone?? 😂😂 Hmm. Maybe I watch it too much lol, but if you do...I just gave you a high five.)

Pretty sure it was close to midnight and honestly I'm tired. These late nights are getting to me.

"Ok guys" I clapped. "I'd say today is a win. But you all need to go to sleep. You have a big day tomorrow. Come on." I said snapping my fingers. We all headed for the stairs and lay down. Feeling a hand touch mine I looked to see Andy. I raised my eyebrows up at him.

"Do you mind if I sleep with you tonight? Please?" He begged. I smiled and nodded. I told him to give a few minutes so I could change. After I got done changing I laid down in my bed scrolling through my phone. I heard Andy come in and he also laid down next to me.

"Goodnight Alexis. I'm gonna miss you dearly. And when I come back, I'm making you mine." He said while he slouched his arm around me. I smiled. Chill.

|Morning time.|

"Alexis" Someone whispered in my ear. Lightly shaking me.

"Alexis!" He said a little louder, full on shaking me.

"Hey! Stop" I said getting angry, pulling the cover my head.

"Come on! Quit playing girl, we're leaving remember? Come on wake uuuup." Andy yelled out tossing his body on mine.

I grunted by surprise. "Okok! I'm up. Damn." I huffed slowly pulling the covers off. Seeing Andy's smiling face. How he can so beautiful rn.

|short time skip|

I walked downstairs to see all their luggage and equipment lined up at the door.

"Hey so I jus- oh good morning alexis- anyway I just got off the phone with Brendan and he said he's on his way. He told us to be ready." Dave said having a wide smile stamped on his face.

"Omg, guuuys your leaving! Awww." I whined pouting slightly.

15 minutes later, Brendan had arrived at the house. Everyone is helping put their equipment and their luggage in the trailer bc the bus was too big for our driveway.

Everything was ready to go and we were saying our last goodbyes. I hugged Brandon, Brendan, Dave, Hayden. Taddie hugged me and said "Now, we'll be gone for a couple months. Just....please be careful ok? Im trying not to worry but I can't help it. Take care of yourself. If you need anything call us ok?" He's the one that is most concerned with my safety and we'll being. I smiled and nodded. "Take care of yourselves too." I replied.

Lastly there was Andy. "I'm gonna miss you. Don't fall for any guys while I'm gone, you're mine when I get back. Take care of yourself." He said while giving me a hug and a kiss goodbye.

I watched them back out the driveway and I waved 'bye' to them.

Heeeey guys wyd? I'm chillin. It's really hot outside. Is it hot where you are? Most likely.

Omg can we pls talk about something. I've got 7k reads on this book, wtf. ilysm. Thank you guys who read this book. Your literally awesome. I'd like to give a shout out to my friend real quick. Hey aquìsha *waves at you* hopefully she reads that lol.

anyway, have any of you guys go to warped tour? I unfortunately did not go. Bc the money, I have none lol. If any of you did go, who'd you see? Can I see some pictures pls?? Lol.

Btw did you guys notice I changed the description of the story? If you haven't seen it, you should look at it real quick.

and also, how do you guys like the new cover???? Tell meeeee. Or don't. It's whatever lol.

Millennia ▪ Andy Leo/Crown The Empire FF - completed.Where stories live. Discover now