Chapter 34: Ya Caught.

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Dave's pov▪

Its been about a week, and Andy hasn't been acting himself lately. Today I told him I want to talk with him later after the show. I'm currently fixing my ear pieces waiting for us to go on. The Family Ruin just finished and are walking off the stage. Before we go on I steal a glance at Andy, who is showing no emotion at all, more calm almost. Usually I'd expect him to say something stupid like he 'has to poop.' But he is questionable quiet. I try my best to shake it off when we walk on the stage. An instant smile formed on my lips because all these fans are here.

"Hey everyone! How we doing tonight? Thank you for coming out, please enjoy the show." I said in my mic. I ran my fingers through my hair "Ok, this song is called Bloodline. Sing the words if you know it!" I added.

|time skip|

We leave the stage hot and sweaty. I grabbed a towel and a water from the table. Out of the corner of my eye I seen Andy leave the lounge area and a few minutes later I saw that one girl follow after him. Something doesn't look right... I thought to myself. Then it popped in my head. He's messing around with her. Oh God I hope I'm wrong. I pulled out my phone and texted Taylor, asking for her thoughts of this. We conversation for a while. I begged her not to tell Alexis anything until I found out what's really going on.

After the show is over-

All of us pile onto the bus sighing loudly. I nudged Hayden and Brandon to go into the back room and close the door. I turned to Taddie but he mouthed he wanted to talk to him too. I nodded.

"Ok Andy, sit down." I said while leaning on the counter. While Taddie took a seat at the table.

He looked up at me with a blank expression. "What do you wanna talk about?"

"You. Why have you've been so weird lately?" I asked crossing my arms against my chest.

"I don't know, I'm weird all the time. It's nothing new." He shrugged.

"No this is different. You've been slacking off too, something is up." Brent chimed in.

"I don't know what you mean. I'm fine. Plus it's none of your guys business." He scoffed.

"It becomes our business when it's effecting your performance. Just tell us man, we've been friends for so long you can tell us anything...I know you're talking to someone other than Alexis." I replied. Brent's posture changed when he hears Alexis's name spilling from my mouth, almost like on guard. He's very protective over her. She's like the sister he never had but always wanted. Andy seemed to change too, like he'd been caught.

"I swear to God Andy. You better not be." Brent mumbled, clenching his fists.

"I-I'm not. Why would you t-think that?" Andy questioned bouncing his leg.

I run my hand down my face and sighed "Because. I've seen you with that girl okay? I've seen it. I'm not stupid or blind. You're talking to her. You might as well tell us now, you've been caught." I said looking down at him.

"You're crazy" He laughed "I don't recall anything."

"Don't fucking laugh Leo. And don't act stupid! You're not slick, and if I swear if you're dating or doing anything with that bitch I'm gonna beat your ass, fucking bet." Brent exclaimed loudly and getting up, charging to Andy.

"Heyheyheyhey!" I yelled grabbing Brent before anything could happen. "Chill dude, look at me. Look at me, chill. Go in the room with Hayden and Brandon. Okay? Clam down for a minute. Go." I soothed him, at least tried too. He reluctantly walked out of the room leaving Andy & I. "Tell me now Andy." I feel like a broken record, repeating over and over again.

He sighed loudly "ok...her name is Edvlina, and we're" He said giving up. My eyes went wide How could he do this? What force made him do this.

"Why? Why would you do this? I thought you wanted Alexis." I said shaking my head.

"Because Edvlina is really pretty and....I don't know. I still want Alexis an-"

"Well you can't date both of them at the same time what the fuck. I'm so disappointed in you Andy, I really am. You couldn't have waited?" I said all at once.

"Well I was gonna brake up with her after tour, because she's just something to tie me over until I see Alexis again." He replied standing up.

I shook my head once again "no. You will not go out with Alexis when we get back, I promise you that. You're an ass dude." I paused "listen...I'm not your mom or dad and I'm not gonna tell you how to live your life, okay. All I can do is frown upon this whole situation. And stopping Taddie from hitting you when he finds out. I just - ugh. Whatever, I'm gonna go to sleep." I said leaving the room into the bunk area, I knocked on the door telling the other 3 to come out before I laid down.

Third person-

There are about 2 full days left of tour, then a day and a half to get home. The boys are in Kentucky, just about done with their set..

When Andy told the rest of his members what has been going on, they seemed to push him away from them. Especially Brent, he is the one most effective by this.

All five members haven't been doing their best, due to the fact that none of them knew what would happen when they came home. All of them are worried about Alexis. Andy however showed no sign of dumping Edvlina anytime soon. And he didn't want to either, if he had his way he'd most likely want to date both of them. You could even say he's happy with her, he'd get text messages from Alexis but never read them. He even took off the heart next to her name and put it next to Edvlina's. But he did miss her, no one could take that away from him.


Hellllo everyone. I'm gonna say something, I love all your comments on the last chapter and every other chapter as well lol. And the votes and the ppl that have this in their reading lists.

btw I was literally listening to Mark My Words by Justin Bieber while writing this, wtf. Sorry that was totally irrelevant lol, I just love that song so much. Ok I'm done.

also that picture is just a little something for you. Taddie and Hayden need some love too right? And we need to appreciate Taddie's tattoos, plus he's beautiful af soooo...

Ok, bye ily.

(sorry if this was short, but it'll get better trust me!)

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