Chapter 32: A New...Friend?

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Andy's pov▪

I tossed and turned in my bed, for the life of me I couldn't fall asleep. She was on my mind. I decided to FaceTime her. After a few rings she picked up.

"Andy...what do you want I'm trying to sleeep" I heard her whine. It was dark so the screen is black.

"I just wanted to hear your voice. And see you, but I can't. Turn on a light, lemme see you." I told her.

"Nooo, I'm too lazy to get up and I'm warm where I am. Plus Bandit it laying on me, I don't want to wake him." She said sounding a little more awake now.

"Fine, then I just talk to you later then." I said quickly. Placing my thumb above the end botton.

"No don't you dare, you fucking woke me up. You're gonna talk to me now." She snapped. "I swear to God Andrew. If you hang up on me I won-" I hung up. Hehehe. I could only imagine what's she's doing right now. Probably cursing me out. I locked my phone and shifted in my bed for a few minutes, finally finding a comfortable position. With that I fell asleep..

2 days later...

2 days on the road later, we arrived in Cali. And I couldn't be happier, the warm sun against my skin, the slight breeze.

I walked down the sidewalk with Dave while eating a burrito in my hands. Which by the way is heaven.

"Where should we go next?" Dave asked while chomping on one of his tacos.

"Mmm-whydontwe" I said but didn't finish my sentence because I took another huge bite out of my food. I pointed out in front of us, signaling to Dave we should head down that way. He nodded and continued to walk. My pocket vibrated.

Alexis💞: Hey! So how's Cali??

I smiled down at my phone, Dave seen me stop walking. He came towards me and looked at me phone. He chuckled and nudged me. I typed back to her.

Me: it's awesome lex, so beautiful like you tbh.

I sent it and I could only imagine that she's rolling her eyes at my comment. I quickly sent another text and told how it actually was.

Me: naw but fr, even though you're beautiful. Cali is awesome. I'm gonna bring you here some day.. I promise 🙆

Alexis💞: I just rolled my eyes wtf 😂, but that's good. I miss you guys alot. I'm sure you will Andy, I'll wait on that day 👌 wyd

Me: I knew you'd roll your eyes 😂 yes just wait on it girl. I miss you too, all of us. I'm walking with Dave while eating a burrito and not one car ran me over yet, wow what a great day 😂 you?

Alexis💞: omg that's great andy 😂😂 I'm so jealous tbh, I'm just too lazy to make me food. I should have Bandit feed me but he doesn't listen smh. Tell Dave I said hiiiii. And I'm hanging out with MM and Benn. Nothing too exciting. They all said hi.

"David, lex says hi." I said out loud not looking up from my phone. Pretty sure he heard me.

Me: yeah Bandit does do that lmao. Who's 'mm' and tell them I said hi and give Benn a high five ok. Tell him it's from me.

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