Chapter 37: The Other Woman.

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I would just like to recommend for you to listen to 'The Other Woman' by Lana Del Rey bc I think it goes with this. Or don't it's up to you...but I would. Ok bye enjoy the chapter.

Andy's pov•

I intertwined mine and Edvlina's fingers as we walked down the street. We got done eating some lunch at a low key café. We talked until we reached her hotel she was staying in.

"Ok so I guess I'll see you later?" I asked leaning against her door. She nodded and pulled my shirt so she could pull me in her room.

"Yeah. I'll see you later, text me later" She said as she kissed me. We pulled apart I mumbled a 'okay.' Walking out her door, I walked towards my house. A while later I reached my street. I'm huffed out putting my hands on my hips as I reached the front door. I'm so unfit.

I unlocked the door and there are the guys yelling at the TV. Looks like their playing GTA V. Their eyes land on me and they quiet down a little bit. Alexis gets up from the couch and greets me with a hug.

"Hey" She mumbled as she put her face in the crook of my neck, giving me a slight kiss. I hugged her as I secretly eyed the guys, who were staring at our every move. Making me uncomfortable, I pulled away. Taking off my shoes and jacket I walked up the stairs to my room.

|time skip|

Alexis's pov▪

"Nononono! Go that way Hayden! Listen to me, I'm trying to help you!" I shouted at Hayden who is not listening to me. We're playing 'Call Of Duty: Black Ops' the zombie option, against Taddie and Dave. Hayden is on my team and he's making us lose. I have to keep reviving him and watching his back.

"Shut up I know what I'm doing!" He shouted back at him. His fingers tapping on the buttons loudly. I shook my head.

"If you knew what you were doing, I wouldn't be saving your ass every 5 seconds" I scoffed, earning a laugh from the other guys. "Watch out for the fucking dogs hayden!" I yelled standing up, trying to shoot at them and watch Hayden's back. I died, I shouted in frustration. "You might as well let them kill you too, you can't handle this by yourself" I threw my arms in the air.

"We lost." He said dumbly.

"Yeah we did, good job team. When I mean team I mean myself, I literally did everything" I sighed out. I walked to the kitchen and sat at the island stool taking out my phone. Scrolling through everything. I haven't even noticed Andy isn't down here, which is weird. It's been at least 3 or 4 hours already.

Dave walked in grabbing himself some food and a drink. At the corner of my eyes I seen him stop before he walked out the kitchen. He turned to me and set his things down in front of me. My eyes looked up at him, waiting for his next move. He shook his head as his said "How are you ok with this?" Confused I set my phone down, setting all my attention to him.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"How are you ok with this" he repeated.

"Again. What do you mean?"

"With Andy and this whole thing. You act like there's nothing wrong with it." He rolled his eyes. Maybe he thought I knew what he meant but I didn't.

"What do you mean? What's wrong with Andy? And what do you mean by 'it'?" I asked fixing my posture in my seat.

"You have no idea what I'm talking about? You know nothing?" He asked. I shook my head 'no.' His face got angry and I heard him curse under his breath.

"Is there something I should know? Tell me" I said quickly, getting worried. He bit at his bottom lip.

"I can't. Andy's gonna tell you." He mumbled. With that he left me in my thoughts. He grabbed his food and walked out. Is this some kind of joke?

About 15 minutes later Andy walked in, almost like on que. I met his eyes and I blinked a few times not knowing how to feel. I got up, not wanting to talk to him at all. Walking past him his arm stopped me.

"Stop...sit down." He said quietly. Not looking at me, walking to sit down on the stool. I slowly made my way over to him. Maybe he'll just play me and say this is all a joke. Oh please let that be it. I starred blankly at him, scarred because of what could come out of his mouth and upset because, again, what could come out of his mouth.

"Listen...I firstly want to say I'm sorry. I shouldn't of done this to you." He started. My eyes shut, not wanting him to go on. I knew it would be something I wouldnt want to hear. "But there's something I need to tell you."

Not knowing how to contain my emotions I started to bounce my leg. Not wanting to jump to conclusions.

"I've" He breathed out. "I've been dating another girl." He finished

Those words. Those words that just came out of his mouth made my heart break. Tears started to layer in my eyes. These past few days being with him was all a lie. Those times I kissed him, his lips been on another female. I whimpered out but covered my mouth. Tears started to fall. How could he do this? I thought we' doesn't even matter anymore. I shook my head.

"Whats her name?" I managed to get out.

"Edvlina" He said not even bothering to look at me. I scoffed, she even has a prettier name than me.

"But please listen, she's the other woman. I can break up with her if you want me to" He said looking down at his hands. Then slowly looking up at me. I shook my head. He was wrong.

"I don't want you to." I quietly said. "She's not the other woman Andrew...I am." I corrected.



ok, how are you? Im fine I guess. I'm over at my friends house. Remember the one I told you about? Yeah we're finally reunited lol (and it feels so good)

I literally have nothing to say 😂

Oh! I just remembered something. I want to say thank you to @_Crown_The_Empire_ she literally made a chapter on her own book and told her readers that they should check me out and my books. She wrote that I was amazing 😭😭 oml girl if you're reading this ily! And thank you bunches you the real mvp💞

Ok that's all, byyye

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