Chapter 5 : Morning After.

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Hello everybody again. What's up?

{Alexis's POV}

Andy let go of me and went somewhere. I took this opportunity to sit in the couch. These guys are still playing the game, I was sitting by the right arm-rest of the couch and put my head on my right hand and leaned against the armrest. I felt myself slowly drifting off and falling asleep. I mean come in its fucking 1 o'clo- well now its 2:30 and man come on I need my sleep ok like I love sleep. And I could half hear the guys playing the game yelling.

{Mia's POV}

After the whole thing with Benn we sat the the table and we just talked and he had his arm around me and he smelled really good like really good, I don't know I think I'm just weird but aren't we all? I know I am like everyday of my life.

And before I knew it we were in the bunk area and I was laying with him and you know we talked some more and ok we kinda like kissed but not like kiss but like you know we just kissed & it felt kinda nice. But he didn't ask me to become his girlfriend or anything and I was ok with that. So after this went down we fell asleep together in his bunk and yeah that's it...

°~ the next day/morning~°

I woke up still holding Benn and I grabbed my phone from my pocket, surprised that it didn't fall out of my pocket. I checked the time and it was 8:45 am, I always hate it when I wake up way early. So I stayed there until I would fall back asleep or until everyone else woke up.

I must have moved a certain way then Benn woke up shortly after. He turned to me and said

"Good morning" in his morning voice.

"Morning" I said back to him. He tuned away from me and I lost the warmth I once had, so I turned way from him facing the wall and waiting to fall back asleep or for him to move because I gotta take a piss.

I head other voices talking in the 'kitchen' part of the bus. I really can't make out who tho. So I guess...I'll just wait for Benn to move.

Sorry I've kept you guys waiting but I hope this was a good chapter - oooo and shout out to the chick who commented on my last chapter many thanks. (update: and thank you to those who comment and vote now, much appreciated)

Sooo ilygsm


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