Chapter 33: More Than Friends?

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Perviously on Millenia-

As the night began to die down, I found myself talking to Edvlina more and more. The thought of Alexis totally left from my mind. I was too focused on Edvlina, I'm intrigued by her. All of us were packing up, we'll the more sober ones, we're packing up everything. It's well over 1:30. The both of us got up and I realised I've been holding her hand this whole time.

I looked at her and something came over me. I cupped her face and brought my face closer to her's I planted a kiss on her lips...

And now on Millennia-

Andy's pov▪

I was awoken by loud laughter. I groaned, hesitantly opened my eyes. I sighed as I exited my bunk, slowly making my way to the bathroom. This is the sixth day on the road, we're currently heading to Iowa. I walked out the bathroom and joined the rest of the group who were watching something on the T.V.

"Bitches crazy" Hayden laughed out. I turned my gaze to the T.V. and their watching Maury.

"How are you guys watching that?" I asked no one in particular.

"We have wifi on this bus don't ya know. We're stepping up our game kid." Taddie said who was also laughing. I chucked and rolled my eyes. I occupied myself by playing games on my phone, or going on social media. My phone vibrated in my hands, someone texted me.

Alexis💞: hey. How's that tour so far?

Me: Hey, tours fine so far. Theses guys are great. Wyd

I locked my phone and ran my fingers through my hair. Waiting for a reply. My phone buzzed again.

Edvlina🤗:  Hey Andy, what's up?

I instantly smiled.

Me: heeeey, nothing much just chillin with my mates. You??
Alexis💞: that's good. I'm hanging out with Mia. No surprise lol. Wyd.

Me: of course you'd hang out with Mia. I'm not doing anything rn. Just bored the guys are watching Maury. Save me lmao.
Edvlina🤗: that's nice, I'm not doing anything either. Just thinking. Touring with boys is so nasty lol.

Me: thinking about what? And I know we're so dirty right? Lmao, don't worry it'll get better with time, trust me.
Alexis💞: oml 😂😂 I would save you if you weren't so far away. Maury is the best wtf how do you not like him lol

Me: idk lol I like my boy Steve Wilkos better tbh I like it when he says 'get the hell off my stage!' Oh man...that's the best
Edvlina🤗: I can't belive I'm saying this but...I'm thinking about you and our kiss we had a few days ago. And I'm sure living with boys will get better 😒

Me: really?? Your thinking about me? Wow, well if you liked our kiss that much, I'll make sure to give you more 😏😏 can I see you after tonight show again??
Me: Hey Alexis I gotta go. Taddie wants me to help him with this thing. I'll talk to you later.

I didn't have to help Taddie with anything. I just really wanted to talk to Edvlina. Alexis texted back but I didn't care to read it..

Edvlina🤗: yeah I'm thinking about you. Don't get all cocky now lol, I mean I'd be down if you wanted to give me more. Sure you can see me, INK ends the night today. So we'd have time to see eachother before we get on the road again.

Me: I'm not getting cocky wtf, awesome.. I'll see you later on tonight Lina I'm gonna go and rest up before we go on tonight. Bye.

|time skip|

"Alright guys, thank you for coming out to see us. We love you all, we're Crown The Empire." Dave said in the mic and waved. We all walked off the stage and went into a lounge area. I grabbed myself and Brandon a water. I sat next to Gus and Brandon.

"Did you know Slipknot is from here?" I asked Gus at random.

He locked his phone and raised his eyebrows at me "No I didn't actually..That was random of you" He lauged.

"Yeah I know, I just wanted to say it" I nodded and half smiled. He nodded. I turned my gaze to the corner of the room and saw Edvlina having a conversation with Raad. Her eyes met mine. I got up and gestured with my head for her to come with me. I walked out to the back of venue and waited.

I paced back and forth waiting for her. My head turned when I heard the door open. "Hey Andy" She chirped.

"Hey Edvlina. It's always nice to see you again" I said as we both walked towards eachother. I kissed her cheek "wish granted, you're welcome." I smirked. I studied her face, her beautiful face. The way her eyes catch the sunset nicely.

"What are you starring at?" She lightly slapped my chest.



"Because...I don't know, you're really pretty."

The night has come and I've gotten to know even more about Edvlina. We've talked about things like our family and our favorite things to do. You know, basic things. As we continued to talk the question about relationships risin. She's told me that she just got out of a bad relationship a few months back, I told her I didn't have one. Another question appeared - if her and I should date. And I wasn't opposed by it, honestly. So we've decided to, but keep it on the low. We walked back hand -in- hand inside when we heard INK finished their set. But she let go before we entered the lounge area again. Her and I both acted as though nothing happened..


ah geez andy, y u do dis? smh...

P.S. the picture up top. First off, I feel like that's what most of you are doing rn. Second, it's bts I love them so much.

Ok...I'll leave you in your feels. Bye ily.

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