Chapter 30 : new friends are nice friends.

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Alexis's pov▪

I woke up to the sound of loud voices coming from downstairs, reluctant to - I rolled out of my bed towards my bathroom. I washed up and left out of my room. I was wearing short shorts and a overlarge tee-shirt to cover most of my legs and the body parts that should be covered. Tumblr girl alert. I walked downstairs to find Dave and Brandon having an argument.

"Jesus christ Brandon, for as much as Alexis cleans you sure do know how to make a mess. Uhh, you're just like a little kid and you're the fourth oldest in this house. How...Why do know, you really frustrate me dude." Dave said while picking up shoes, clothes and food off the floor.

"Uh whatever, it's not just me. All of the other guys do it too mom. Quit only getting on my back and not the other guys. Plus I pay for the bill in this house so there." Brandon replied sticking his tongue out before putting food in his mouth. This made Dave stop and turn to him.

"First, yes the other guys do it too but you do it excessively. Second I'm only getting on your back because this is your stuff. Third, you know damn well you do not pay for the bills. Brendan, Taddie and I do that." Dave said getting a little angry.

"Ok ok stop it you two. Dave, don't worry about it I'll clean it up. And Brandon you're not a little kid anymore so could you please pick up your stuff once in a while?" I said, then I turned my head to Dave and asked "Why are you even cleaning anyways? Who's coming over? Oooo is it Taylor?"

He chuckled "No Taylor is not coming over. And I do have to worry about it Alexis, I want a clean house. Brendan and Bailey are coming over to talk about the upcoming tour were gonna have. And Brendan said that he'd bring a band over but he didn't tell me which one yet. So, I'm trying to clean up before they get here." He said. I nodded and walked to the kitchen when the bickering started up again. I really didn't understand why Dave was cleaning right now it's only 11:40.

I searched in the cupboards to find something to eat and I found some Ramen. I felt two pair of arms go around my body.

"Morning Lexi." Andy cooed I'm my neck, making me flinch.

"Andy stop" I laughed "morning." I loosened from his grip and made my food.

"Come baaaack" He whined. I rolled my eyes and smiled to myself.

I turned to face him and tilted my head to the side. "Andrew stop." I said lightly. "Don't talk like we're together ok? It's weird. Wait until we're actually together. If we're ever." I whispered the last part. He walked towards me and half smiled.

"Ok. I won't, just wait on it." He said hugging me, telling me all of this in my ear.

"Ok now get off." I laughed as I lightly pushed him away.

|time skip|

Its now 5 pm and everyone is lounging in different areas of the house. I'm laying on Hayden while watching Bob's Burgers. Until heavy footsteps came down the stairs.

"Guys! Gather up in the living room!" David called out. One by one the other members emerged from wherever they were at.

"Ok. I just got off the phone with Brendan and he said he and Bailey are on their way right now. He also said he's bring a band with his that said that they'd tour with us. He didn't tell me so quit asking - Alexis." His head snapped over to me. You can't blame a girl for being curious right? I rolled my eyes as he continued. "So guys look presentable please. You all look like trash." He joked. Hayden ficked him off. Davd returned the gesture.

"Pretty trash!" Andy retored.

".....sure" Dave laughed. "Ok, come on ladies! We don't have all day." He clapped his hands. Brandon mocked his clapping while heading for the stairs. Everyone else including myself went up stairs to look 'presentable'.

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