Chapter 38: "This is all you're fault."

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Previously on Millennia-

"But please listen, she's the other woman. I can break up with her if you want me to" He said looking down at his hands. Then slowly looking up at me. I shook my head. He was wrong.

"I don't want you to." I quietly said. "She's not the other woman Andrew...I am." I corrected.

And now on Millennia-

"What do you mean you're the other woman? She is!" He retored loudly. Now looking at me.

I rolled my eyes "Andrew you said you've been dating her already. So that means you cheated on her with me. Are you really this dumb?!" I replied also getting loud. I'm going to lose my temper sooner or later. He got up, I'm watching his every move now. My eyes following his body paced back and forth. Running his hands through his hair he turned his head to me.

"I'm not dumb what the fuck. You're the one who is!" He said as he pointed at me. Scoff.

"Are you fucking serious? You're the one who fucking dated someone while you're on tour and think it's ok for you to come back to me and kiss me then asked me if I still wanted to date and acted like nothing  was wrong?! What the fuck Andrew, I waited for you that whole time, thinking that our feelings were real. But I guess those don't mean shit right? They obviously don't because you fucked around with another girl! So don't call me dumb, this is all you're fault!" I yelled at him, cussing like it was my job. Tears still coming out of my eyes, not so much sadness anymore, more of anger.

I left the kitchen running up the stairs, ignoring the guys who were still in the living room hearing the whole thing.

I walked into my room, closing the door and slid down. Tears still coming out as they please. I felt numb. I couldn't think straight. I didn't pay attention to the knocks at me door, I just pressed my body more against the door making sure they couldn't open the door. I heard voices coming from outside the door and then louder ones coming from downstairs. I whimpered out. I don't care anymore.

Dave's pov▪

All four of us stayed quiet as Andy and Alexis argued in the kitchen. I just wanted to go in there and stop it but, he needed to tell her. Hayden and I had to keep Taddie to stay seated, he wanted to go in there as well. All of us heard Alexis go off on him.

"...this all you're fault!" She shouted at him. Everything went silent. Then we saw her run out and ran up the stairs. Taddie bolted into the kitchen and Brandon went up stairs to Alexis. Hayden and I hurried into the kitchen. The tension in this room went from zero to a hundred real quick.

"I told you! I told you I'd kick your ass, didn't I" Taddie yelled and charged at Andy. Myself and Hayden quickly grabbed Taddie by his arms and pulled him back.

"I don't fucking care anymore, I'm sorry." Andy whined out wiping his eyes. Even though all three of us saw Andy break down in front of us, Taddie didn't ease up.

We let them argue, but still keeping an eye on Taddie, not wanting anything to arise in a fight.

"You need to go and apologize to her Andy...I hate seeing her cry. You need to apologize for calling her dumb. I'll go talk to her to calm her down and you need to explain yourself without arguing ok? Please." Taddie said as he calmed down. He left the kitchen and walked up the stairs to Alexis room. Andy followed and I'm assuming going to his room. Hayden and I looked at each other and just shrugged, we couldn't do anything about this or help in anyway. This was between Alexis and Andy. And whatever happens...happens. We walked into the living room having the TV on, not really paying attention to it. Just us - marinating in our thoughts.

Taddie's pov▪

I walked up to Brandon who was talking to Alexis behind the door. I told him to go, that I would try to talk to her. Once he left, in the corner of my eyes I seen Andy walk into his room.

I knocked on her door and told her it was me. She slowly opened the door and let me in.

"Hey." I said quietly sitting next to her on the floor.

"Hi" She sniffed. I hated seeing her like this. I opened my mouth to say something but she interrupted me."Did you know about this before I did?" She glanced over at me. I nodded my head 'yes.' She also nodded her head.

"I'm sorry" I said. She shrugged her shoulders.

"There's nothing to be sorry about." She exhaled out.

"I'm know you might not like this idea but...I think you guys need to talk about it. Without any arguing okay."

"Taddie, what is there to talk about? He cheated on his girl with me, he shouldn't be explaining anything to me but that other girl. I can imagine how she'll feel." She said. Who cares about the other girl. Scoff.

"Who cares about the other girl? I surely don't. You just...go and talk to him to sort of clear the air. Please?" I said firmly.

"Whats the po-"

"Just go." I said as I helped her up and pushed her out the door. I knew she was reluctant but gave up and went.


Hello everyone, how are you? Im honestly really loving all this feedback from all you guys with these past few chapters. I really love all of your opinions and what you guys think ya know? Either it be positive or negative I love it all lol. (and the votes duhh lol)

Oml guys I've been obsessing over the songs 'Colors' by Halsey and 'Navy Blue' by the story so far 😭😭😭

you know at first I didn't like Halsey but my friend continued to play her songs around me lol and sooner or later I'd like a song by her, just one tho! But I swear I'm an open person when it comes to music - as in like listening to new things. Is anyone else like that?

Ok guys, I hope you're enjoying this story so far (see what I fucking did there! I'm so amazing *sighs out proudly*)

ok I'll shut up now 😂 bye guys

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