The Ski Lodge - Chapter Three

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The Ski Lodge - Chapter Three

"Hey, guys!"

"Get up here okay?", Josh greets Ashley and Matt friendly, but they seem a bit distracted. She just give him a shrug with her shoulders. "Yeah, well more or less", you give Matt a concerned look. Something bad is going on. You are sure that Emily is the cause of the problem.

"Poor guy", you whisper under your breath so no one can hear your words. Carefully you throw a glance over your shoulder. There is still this uneasy feeling in your stomach like somebody is watching you. For a second you think that you see a shadow behind the tree, but it could be just your imagination.

Without a word you follow Chris and Josh to the big door. To be honest you already forgot how cold it is on the mountain. The only thing you want is a nice fire and a blanket to heat up your frozen ... backside. "So... Emily and Matt are a couple?", Chris starts to gossip so you roll your eyes. "Boys? Could you open the door before I'm a god damn ice cube? That would be awesome", without their permission you join the conversation a bit annoyed.

"Woah, (Y/N) seems really impatient today", the blond man can't hold back his sarcasm. A slight smile appears on your lips before you hit his arm playfully. Josh just enjoys the situation before he tries to open the door finally. "Damn thing" he mumbles and you already know what the problem is.

"It's iced?", Chris asks unnecessary, while you shake your head slowly. "Wow, you are Sherlock Holmes, little genius!", now you are the one who fights with his sarcasm. Without a word he puts his arm around your shoulder and pats your head a bit harshly. "What happened to the nice (Y/N)? Where are your manners?", the blond man wants to know laughing as you push his arm away.

"There is another way in, right?", it's not the first time that you just ignore Chris and his stupid jokes. "There are a million ways in. They are all just locked", Josh answers a bit too serious. A sigh escapes your mouth, while you turn around to find another way into the ski lodge. "What if we open a window or something like that?", that's the only thing that comes into your mind.

Chris changes a glance with Josh. "What happened to our nice and lovely friend? (Y/N) turns into a rebel, but that's actually a really good idea", the blond man agrees smiling. Josh raises his eyebrows, while his eyes wheeze from you to Chris and back. "Are you two saying we should break in?", he seems surprised and shocked at the same time.

Suddenly you feel bad that you suggested something like that. "Uh...", you don't really know what to say. "I don't think it's technically breaking in if you own the house, right?", Chris has a good argument. There is a brief silence between the three of you. "Lead the way, Cochise", a smile appears on your lips as you hear the nickname from Chris. Yes, sometimes you miss the old time.

"Hey, Ash", Chris couldn't stay away from her so you roll your eyes again. "He will never make the first move, right?", you say to Josh almost laughing. The two of you are walking to the side of the ski lodge to open a window. Chris needs a little bit time alone with Ashley. Josh shakes his head in agreement. "It would be the perfect situation right now. It's just us and the mountains. Romantic", he adds sighing.

With raised eyebrows you look at your friend. "What did you just say? Romantic? You mean the perfect, ripe scenario just dripping with - wait - erotic possibilities? That's what you have told him the last time", you tease him smiling. "However, I'm sorry I couldn't help you with the organization of everything. The last week was just terrible."

Without waiting for his answer you make your way towards to one of the windows. "You don't have to say sorry at all. Family issues are more important than the organization of this trip. Apart from this, you helped me the whole last year to progress everything. You are my best friend. That's more than the others did for me. I couldn't ask for more, (Y/N)", is his lovely answer.

A sigh escapes your mouth. It's true that you were by his side and walked through his darkest days with him, but there is a feeling inside of you that you could have done more for him. You just don't know what. "Come on, we push this thing under the window. That's our way into the ski lodge", it's easier to change the subject than to find the right reply for his statement.

"Hey! I'm ready!", Chris joins the situation in the right moment. "Great! Then show me your muscles, Hercules!", smiling you push him playfully into Josh's direction. The blond man mumbles something under his breath, but you can't understand his words. You enjoy the short show of muscles, while you try to get warm again. The cold wind finds always a way between the several layers of your clothes.

"Great work, boys", you compliment them. Chris climbs on the metal thing to open the window. Josh and you react in unison as the blond man stumbles and almost on the two of you falls. "Woah! That was close", a sigh of relief escapes your mouth. Your friend enters the ski lodge a bit awkward. "Be ... careful", you want to warn him, but you are too late.

Chris already falls to the ground. "Oh my god, Chris! Are you alive?", you exclaim and climb with Josh on the metal thing. The blond man looks like an upturned turtle. The situation is serious, but you can't hold back your laugh. "I'm okay!", he shows you two a thumb up.

Chris slowly gets back onto his feet. His back must be hurting like hell. Suddenly the bulb breaks into thousand pieces and the darkness wins. "Did I do that?", the blond man asks seriously, while you take out the flashlight from your bag. "I don't think so.. but I just got an awesome idea. There should be some deodorant in one of the bathrooms. You could use it with my lighter", Josh gives his friend the lighter.

Surprised you raise your eyebrows. Hopefully Chris doesn't burn down the entire ski lodge. "Woah, a flamethrower! Bye frozen lock", the blond man understands the idea immediately. "I'm gonna go sort something out. You two got it, right?", the bad feeling in your stomach is back within one second. "Yes, sure", you answer for Chris. Without a further word Josh leaves the two of you alone.

"Hey, use this. You can barely see with the lighter", you throw the flashlight to Chris with a faked smile on your lips. Josh is planning something and you want to know what it is. "You could come with me, (Y/N). It's definitely warmer than outside", Chris suggests friendly. A brief moment you throw a glance over your shoulder, but you can't see Josh anymore. A sigh escapes your lips...

Should you go with Chris or wait for him outside?

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