Decision - You Ask Josh For Help

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Decision - You Ask Josh For Help

"Josh! Please, I need your help!", you try to get his attention. Josh just sits on the ground rocking forth and back slowly. A sigh escapes your mouth. It hurts a little bit to see him out of his mind. What should you say to bring him back into the reality? Your hear tries to jump out of your chest. Every single second you are tied to the post your chance of survival is sinking.

"Joshua, I know you are here. Please, it's hard to push your fear away, but I really need your help. Save me", you say almost with tears in your eyes. That's the last thing you want. Get ripped into two halves from a wendigo. Heavily panting you wait for a reaction from Josh. The seconds seem like an eternity.

Slowly he raises his head to look at you. His eyes are clear. That's the Josh you know. A sigh of relief escapes your mouth, while you close your eyes for a brief moment. "What... What is...?", he mumbles confused and shakes his head to organize his thoughts. "Just listen to me for a second. There is a machete or something like that next to me. Can you get up and grab it from the ground?", it doesn't sound like a question, because you two don't have another chance to get away from here.

Josh only nods and tries to stand up without his hands. "I've heard everything you said to Mike and Chris. I ... I know now why you blame yourself for the deaths of my sister", he breaks the ice between you and him, while he makes his way to the machete. You don't really know what to say so you just clear your throat. That's awkward now.

"I saw the things in your backpack. The little notebook with the things about wendigos and stuff like that. Be honest, please. Is this mountain the only reason why you are my friend?", you knew that this question would come one day. "A bit more to the right. You almost got it... No, of course not. We know each other for so many years. It is the only reason for my father to be friends with your parents, but I swear I love your family like my own. It was a god damn coincidence that I'm a fucking wendigo hunter", is your honest answer.

Finally Josh grabs the machete from the ground. "Cut my ropes", you say before he can ask what he should do now. "But.. I could hurt you", he mumbles worried. A slight smile appears on your lips. Nothing has changed between you and him. Josh is still the worried friend by your side.

"Don't worry. I can handle it", you reply and prepare yourself for the pain. To your surprise Josh cuts the rope without hurting you. "Wow, I'm impressed", you take the machete from him and do the same thing with the rope around his wrists. Without a word you wrap your arms around him. It's still a hell of a night. The only thing you need right now is a god damn hug.

"Please, promise me something, Josh. You do everything I say. I want to keep you safe after what happened last year, okay? I'll bring you to a safe place, then I look after our "friends". It's my task to keep them safe as well. They are just scared", you look into his brown eyes. There is so much panic and fear. "You leave me behind?", he asks terrified almost hysterical.

A brief moment you want to say the truth, but that's not what he needs. "No, I'm by your side. I would never leave you, Josh. We should probably go", you hate yourself for telling him pretty lies so he follows you without a word. Of course you leave him alone when you check if your friends are alright. Sometimes life can be so unfair. Why can't you be just an average teenager with boring friends and a boring life?

"Okay, okay. That's good to hear", Josh mumbles a bit calmer, "I don't want to be alone. I can't be on my own." Ashamed of yourself that you lied at him you grab his hand. You want to be prepared if he starts to tripping and lose the connection to the reality. "Just one thing, Josh. When I say run, you run like a marathon runner, okay?", you say seriously and look at him to emphasize the seriousness of your statement. Josh just nods slowly, while he tightens the grip around your hand. The two of you leave the shed hand in hand with just a machete to protect yourself. You won't lose another friend to this night.

In the meantime your friends have to see that they probably made a few mistakes. "Come on, boys. Go to the others! I have to say something and my time is running out", the stranger shoos Mike and Chris to the fireplace. where the rest of the group is waiting. "That's the flamethrower guy (Y/N) talked about", Chris whispers to his friend shocked. You said the truth, right?

"It was a big mistake to come back to the mountain. Especially after what happened with your two friends last year", the stranger puts his bag on the ground in front of the fireplace. The flames have something soothingly for him. "You mean Hannah and Beth?", Sam guess, while she sits down on the couch. "Yes, the two girls. This mountain isn't safe. You probably should look for a safe place to hide. The wendigos are hunting", the man looks at them and see that they probably wouldn't survive in the woods.

"Wendigos? The creatures in the woods? (Y/N) told us the truth and we didn't believe it. Oh my god", Sam feels guilty for ignoring the truth you tried to tell them. Ashley next to her starts to whimper. "It's all your fault! You hit (Y/N) with the gun!", Ashley exclaims suddenly pointing her finger at Mike. "Where is (Y/N)?", the stranger wants to know with raised eyebrows.

"I left (Y/N) with Josh behind in the shed, when Emily was screaming. I thought something happened", Mike answers and runs his fingers through his hair. "Yes, tied to a god damn post without a weapon! They could be dead already! What have we done?", Chris adds almost yelling at his friend. The flamethrower man shifts his legs, while he shakes his head. "Keep calm, boy. They are probably still alive. (Y/N) is tougher than it looks. I get them", the stranger doesn't know you really well, but wendigo hunters are hard to kill.

"I come with you. I have to do something, because I left them behind. My best friends", Chris stands up from the couch. "Okay, you better find a safe place until we are back", the stranger gives them a good advice. "Why does he know (Y/N)?", Sam asks Mike confused. "He's (Y/N)'s uncle. Uh... That's what (Y/N) said", he answers sighing. "I hope they find (Y/N) and Josh ... and hopefully they are alive", Sam mumbles. Mike next to her just nods slowly. They have done a big mistake...

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