The Truth - Chapter Seven

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The Truth - Chapter Seven

"Medical file - Joshua Washington..."

That's what the big letters on the brown file say. It doesn't make the situation easier for you. Of course you knew he has some problems, but you never thought they would be that big and ... terrible? You didn't even find the right words. Is he the psycho who chased you through the lodge? He would never do that, right? ... Right?

Suddenly you are not quite sure what you can believe in this night. A sigh escapes your mouth, while you open the file. "Medical history. 2006 - first incident. Wait! 2013 - suicide attempt? Antidepressants?", you read out lout the words, but they don't make sense in your head. The uneasy feeling in your stomach is almost freaking out.

"I'm so stupid and blind. Why didn't I see what was going on?", you blame yourself and shake your head slowly. Yes, you were busy with yourself within this one year, but you tried to help Josh as much as possible. The bad thing is you just didn't see the real problems from him. It couldn't get worse right now. Oh wait, you forgot the creepy creature from hell you have seen in the forest...

You don't want to see the file anymore. It just hurts too much so you want to put it back into the drawer. A bit surprised you raise your eyebrows, when you see the gun which was hidden under the medical file. "Woah, that's what I need!", you exclaim. The weight of the weapon feels familiar in your hand.

Suddenly you hear familiar voices. They sound like Sam and Mike, but you could be wrong. As fast as you can you put the gun between your belt and your trouser so you can hide the it behind your jacket. It's funny how safe you feel now with a good weapon.

Slight smiling you make your way to the door and put your ear on the wood to hear the voices better. "That's insane, Mike!... We should find the others not snoop around", Sam tries to convince Mike. Quietly you open the door. "I'm sure you don't mind if I join you?", their shocked faces is the highlight of this hell of a night for you.

Mike mumbles something under his breath, while Sam gives you a long and lovely hug. "I'm really glad you survived. There is a psycho in this lodge. I saw him sneaking around in the basement searching for someone. I'm glad I wasn't the person", Sam says terrified, while she lets you go finally. "I know. He was probably looking for me", you reply.

Before Sam can say something comforting Mike joins the conversation. "Could you two help me to open this door? I hear voices", he points at a heavy looking metal door. "A please would be great", you mumble sarcastically. A second later Sam's elbow meets your side.

Without a further word the three of you push as hard as you can. "That's really a god damn heavy door", you mumble as the metal door slowly opens. The sarcastic statement to cheer up the situation gets stuck in your throat. It's maybe dark as hell, but there is no way you couldn't recognize the two persons in the middle of the room.

Shocked you make a little step forward. Mike grabs your arm to stop you, but sneaky as hell you escape his grip. "Chris! Ashley!", you exclaim worried and run to your friends. Softly you put your hand on Ashley's shoulder. Suddenly the light gets turned on. Your eyes need a moment to adjust for the bright light.

"No! Go away!", Ashley whimpers scared to death. The reason for her fear is walking towards you three. Your heart skips a beat as Chris raises his hand with the gun. As brave as always he pulls the trigger, but nothing happens. The psycho stops in his movement.

"Oh, Chris, Chris, Chris", he shakes his head in disappointment, while he makes his way around the table and chairs. Just for safety you take a few steps back. "What the fuck?!", Chris stares at the gun in his hand. "Blanks", that's another hint for your theory that all of this is just a prank. The psycho raises his hands to take off his mask.

You turn away from Josh who is grinning like a little boy. That makes this hell of a night much better. A sigh escapes your mouth as you run your fingers through your hair. Your friends are going to argue and the fucking creatures outside have an easy game with all of you. Great...

At least everything makes sense now. All his warnings, the easy escape, just everything. "Josh?", Chris asks needlessly with a shocked expression on his face. Josh starts to laugh like a maniac. Sam unties Ashley and Chris, while Mike just stares at his "friend".

"Oh, good, good! Everyone of you! Got my name! And after all you have been through! Good-good-good. I mean how does that feel?", Josh asks still smiling, "How does it feel? Do you enjoy feeling terrorized? Humiliated? I mean, panicked? All those emotions that my sisters got to feel once one year ago! Only guess what? They didn't get to laugh it off! No! They are gone!"

In this moment you feel so helpless. What should you do? Hug Josh and tell him everything will be alright? No, nothing will be ever alright again. "I don't know if you noticed this, Josh, but none of us are laughing", Mike replies sarcastically and angry at the same time.

"Oh come-come-come-come! Why the long faces? It's good to get the heart racing every now and then, right?", is his answer. You can feel the tense in the room. It won't end well for Josh if he doesn't stop now. "Josh, please", you call his name softly. Your friend doesn't listen to you.

"And race they did, I mean, every one of you, just pitter-pat, pitter-pat! Even if I didn't want to scare (Y/N). The only one who cared about my sisters. Running into a god damn snowstorm, while everyone was watching! However, it was such a delight to play the puppet master to all of your Pavlovian panic. And all the gore. There was a gore galore! Fake bodies! Got, the shit was expensive. You should have seen your faces. Hook line and sinker. For every little stinker!"

Of course his friends are upset and angry. "Why are you doing this?", Sam wants to know. "Don't even ask his squirrelly little run. He's got no clue. He's out of his tree", Mike looks at her serious. "Well, he is definitely off his meds", Chris joins the conversation.

"Come on. Revenge is the best medicine", Josh says and shows all of you his best smile. "What the hell are you talking about?! Jessica is fucking dead!", Mike almost yells and takes a step forward. You are probably the only one who knows what killed Jessica. He's going to get his payback. That's it, you have to do something...

Should you talk calmly with Mike or show Mike your rough side?

I'm sorry to bother at the end of this chapter, but I just wanted to say how much I hated the statement from Chris. "He is definitely off his meds." I could rip his head off his shoulders for this bullshit. First things first it's his fucking best friend! Apart from this, it hurts to hear something like that. I had an abusive brother who tortured me for years and since then I'm suffering from depressions. I take antidepressants to make it through the day. Sometimes my other brother says just for fun the same thing when I'm a bit more moody than usual. That's just cruel! Let's make a campaign "Stop being mean to mentally ill people!"... Uh, could someone think about a good name for our campaign? xD I just wanted to drop this right here and now I'm gone! ... *disappears in the darkness* He he, I'm weird!

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