Run, (Y/N), Run! - Chapter Six

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Run, (Y/N), Run! - Chapter Six

"That was so damn close..."

Of course you look out of the window for a last time if the monster really disappeared in the darkness. "Oh my god. I thought it was my last trip. I'm hope the others are alright. I have to warn them", you mumble to yourself sighing. Really relieved you turn around and take a few step into the living room just to stop in your movement. Shocked your eyes widen immediately.

You are not quite sure what it's more shocking the unknown man generally or his super scary mask. The person in front of you seems as surprised as you even if you can't see his face. The creepy mask sends shivers down your spine. The voice of the psycho sounds kind of contorted like he uses a voice changer or something like that.

The man mumbles something like "You are not supposed to be here", but you are too distracted to find a way to escape. It looks like you have interrupted something. There are balloons with arrows on them. Is he trying to pilot someone through the lodge? What the hell is just going on? It couldn't get any worse, right?

"That's not really funny, Chris!", you say to the man, but you can feel it's not your friend. The psycho looks at you. At least that's what you think, because you still can't see his eyes. How could a stranger get into the ski lodge? What if he waited for someone? Maybe for Sam or Chris and Ashley. There are too many questions in your head. You should probably move to save your life. To stare at him doesn't help you at all.

The psycho raises his hands like he wants to calm you down, but it's nothing really soothingly for you. Does he really think you would greet him with a hug and start a conversation with him? Carefully you search something to throw with your hand. But... it could be Chris again who tries to scare you, but the situation feels different. This is serious right now. Powerful you throw a picture frame at the man in front of you. Sneaky as hell you jump over the couch and enter the kitchen. Filled with hope you open one of the drawers, but all things you could as a weapon are gone. Apparently the man is prepared for everything. "No, no, no", you whisper this single word over and over again.

Suddenly someone grabs your arm so you push the person away without looking who it is. Your heart tries to jump out of your chest. .Your body just works like a machine. That's what your body is trained for. React within one second. Unfortunately you are sweating like hell, because you are still wearing your jacket.

Heavily panting you run back into the living room, but you don't really know what to do. Where should you go? Run to the bathroom where Sam should be or try to find Ashley and Chris? What if they are long gone? Wait a second, another idea pops into your head...

You press yourself against the wall so the psycho wouldn't see you. Steps are getting closer to your hiding spot. Your heartbeat won't relax for a second. This is just one hell of a day for you. Finally the man with the creepy mask comes around the corner. A second you think about your decision. What if is it one of your friends who tries to scare you really good?

Maybe that's why you have this bad feeling in your stomach or it's just the fact that someone is chasing through the big ski lodge on a lonely mountain. Even if you feel uneasy you hit the psycho with one of the pictures from the wall. It's the only thing you have found in a short time. Even if it's just a picture this must hurt like hell, because he almost falls to the ground. Alright, that was easier than you have thought.

There isn't really time to think about your next move. "Oh my god", the psycho mumbles behind his creepy mask. Not a single word leaves your mouth as you make your way to the stairs. It was supposed to be a nice weekend with your friends. You are supposed to have fun with them and not to run away from a psycho. "Damn it", you mumble under your breath. The safest place would be the basement. There are many possibilities to hide. That's what you have played with the Washington siblings in the winter.

Unfortunately the man is faster than you have thought. He is just a few steps behind you. Suddenly he grabs your arm, but you escape his grip. Unfortunately you almost lose your balance and stumble some stairs down. At least you don't fall and hit your head. It probably would be your last mistake.

Scared as hell you open the door to the basement. You can barely see the steps. Especially the broken one. The wall stops you from falling so you continue your way. Running in the dark cellar isn't the easiest thing, but you have no time to turn on your flashlight.

The situation is really intense right now. Will this night ever end? It's feels like an eternity already. Just for safety you throw a glance over your shoulder. The psycho comes closer with every step he takes. Now you are distracted and almost stumbled over your own two legs. Heavily panting you push something in his way to buy yourself a bit time. Your little trick really got the psycho and he stumbles over his own two feet.

"Okay, okay. Alright! What now?", you ask yourself a bit hysterical. To your right you see the old water machine, but to your left is another way. This decision could save your life or end it too early... What should you do?

Should you hide or continue to run?

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