Decision - You Get The Machete Alone

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Decision - You Get The Machete Alone

You press your lips into a thin line as you stretch yourself to get the machete with your foot. There are just a few inches between you and freedom. "Come on", you mumble under your breath. The rope around your hand tightens from wiggling around. The screams of the wendigos are like a countdown for you.

"Damn it", sweating and heavily panting you give up for a brief moment. The bad thing is you almost can't feel your hands anymore, because of the tight rope. Your heart tries to jump out of your chest with every second you are still tied to the wooden post. If your father would see you in this situation he would be ashamed. A hunter should be prepared for everything. So that's how you are going to die.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)!", you hear a familiar voice and raise your head immediately. "Josh! Oh my god! I think there is a ... machete or something like that to my left. Can you grab it?", to hear his clear voice is like a light at the end of the darkness. For a second Josh looks at you with his brown eyes, then he nods slowly. "Okay, you can do it", you try to support him. Josh gives his best to stand up with tied hands.

At least you have a good view to both open doors so you can warn Josh about the wendigos. It's hard to concentrate on the situation, because you want to know how much he has heard from the conversation between you and Mike. Suddenly you feel a bit bad that you never told him the truth about your identity. "Good, good. You are almost there, Josh. Just a little bit more to your left side", a slight smile appears on your lips.

There is the feeling of helplessness again, because you can just watch how Josh tries to get the machete from the ground. "Hey, I don't know how much you have heard from my words. You are going to hate me probably that I never told you the truth, but I swear I just wanted to keep every single one of you safe", you can't hold back your feelings.

A bit desperate you try to look into his eyes, but Josh is busy with getting the machete. "You could say something", you mumble sighing. That's probably the ending of all of your friendships. Finally he has the weapon in his hands. "Try to open the rope around my hands. Don't worry if you hurt me. I probably deserve it", the last sentence is just whispers from you. Josh follows your orders without a word.

The cold metal of the machete sends shivers down your spine. Prepared for the pain you close your eyes and press your lips into a thin line. "I have seen the things in your backpack. Your little notebook with this stuff about... wendigos. First I was shocked, but you are still the same (Y/N) for me", Josh breaks the ice between the two of you. "Apart from this, I know you would have done everything to save Beth and Hannah. You are a true friend."

Before you can reply something sarcastic the expected pain sets in. "Ah, damn it!", you curse under your breath and feel how the blood runs over your hand. At least your hands are free finally so you can press your other hand on the cut. "I'm sorry", Josh mumbles feeling guilty that he has hurt you.

Without a word you take the machete out of his hands. You need just a few seconds to free him from the ropes around his wrists. "Alright, alright. I bring you to a safe place, then I look after our ... friends. Stay close to me and do what I say, okay?", you explain him the rules. It's going to be good damn intense and dangerous if you two leave the shed.

"No, please. Don't leave me alone", his eyes show pure panic and fear. Slight smiling you put a hand on his cheek to calm him down. That were the words he always said when you wanted to go home after a sleepless night by his side. "Everything will be alright again. The other maybe need my help", pretty lies to comfort him, but you know Hannah and Beth are gone. Without them nothing will be alright for him.

"We do this together, right?", you grab his hand to give him the needed support. Josh just nods in agreement, while he squeezes your hand softly. Unfortunately you can't read his mind to see if he swallowed your lies. The only important thing is that he follows you so you can bring him to a safe place. Hand in hand the two of you leave the shed. Your only weapon is an old machete. Hopefully the wenidgos are not waiting for you in the forest...

In the meantime the pure chaos dominates the ski lodge. The stranger who entered the house without trouble puts his bag on the ground in front of the fire. "I'm here to tell you what you are up against being back on this mountain", his eyes are glued to the flames. They have something comforting and soothingly for him. Chris looks at his shoes feeling bad that he didn't believe your story. "You should have never returned. I don't know why you did after what happened last year", the old man breaks the silence.

"You mean with Hannah and Beth?", Ashley asks surprised and sits down on the couch. "Yeah, how could you know without being involved?", Chris adds to her question. "Or responsible?", Sam looks at the stranger with big eyes. He turns around with a sigh.

"You hold onto your horses. I don't take kindly to you kids coming up here to my mountain", the stranger replies calmly, while he takes a few steps closer. "Your mountain?", Mike raises his eyebrows, "I'm sure the Washingtons would be very surprised to hear that."

The old man fakes a laugh for a brief moment. "Well, this mountain doesn't belong to me. It belongs to the wendigo", is his answer. Mike and Chris exchange a shocked glance, while Sam and Ashley grab the hand of the other one. The only one who doesn't know what's going on is Emily. "Oh, crap", Mike mumbles as flashbacks of the night rush through his head.

"I knew it was wrong! (Y/N) wasn't lying!", Chris exclaims almost yelling. He couldn't feel more guilty in this moment. The stranger raises his eyebrows, when he hears your name. "Uh... Where is (Y/N)?", the man asks a bit worried. Mike rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. "Uh... Tied to a post in the shed... Alone with Josh", he mumbles ashamed of the things he did to you.

The stranger sighs and rolls his eyes. "Okay, if (Y/N) is with him they are maybe still alive", he isn't really convinced, but he knows you are not easy to kill. "Yes? Okay, I'm going to get them! I'm supposed to be their best friend and I just left them to die", Chris exclaims a bit hysterical. Mike raises his arms to calm his friend down.

"Why does he know (Y/N)?", Sam asks Mike confused. The stranger raises his eyebrows. "You could actually could ask me, girl. I'm (Y/N)'s uncle. My brother gave up to hunt wendigos after (Y/N)'s mother has died", he answers instead of Mike. "Can we go now?! Their time is running out!", Chris points at the door. He's totally right. They could be already too late...

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