Decision - You go with Chris

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Decision - You go with Chris

"Is someone scared to go alone?", you tease your friend laughing, while you climb into the ski lodge. At least you don't fall on the ground like Chris. "Ha ha! You are so funny, (Y/N)", he replies faking a laugh and gives you your flashlight back.

"Damn, it's really dark here", you mumble as you turn on the flashlight. Chris looks around in the room, while you throw a glance over your shoulder. Something like a scream can be heard. "Don't worry. I have seen you", you whisper your words so your friend can't hear them. The shadow between the trees disappears matching to your words.

The slight smile on your lips widens immediately. "Are you coming, (Y/N)?", Chris snaps you out of your thoughts. As fast as you can you make your way to the door to leave the room. The ski lodge is definitely scarier in the darkness. "I almost forgot how big the house is", the blond man breaks the ice between you and him. He seems a bit uncomfortable.

"Yes", is the only thing you say as the beam of your flashlight a portrait of the Washington family shows. There is the bad feeling in your stomach again. They were such a happy family before the "accident" happened last year. Chris puts his hand on your shoulder friendly. It's just a gesture to let you know that you aren't alone with your sorrow.

"Let's find the deodorant can", you just want to change the subject. All the years you have hoped that you would never lose a friend or a loved person. The fate plays a really bad game with you. Without a further word you lead the way with the flashlight in your hand.

Suddenly the open door closes from itself so you take a surprised step back. "Did you see that, Chris?", you ask your friend a bit terrified. The blond man behind you clears his throat. "Yes, what the hell was that?" There is no answer you could give him. "Maybe a breeze?, is the only possible explanation.

The two of you continue your search for the deodorant can. Your heartbeat doubles as you open the magical door. Hopefully Josh wouldn't play a prank on you and Chris. It would be his last mistake. "Hey, come!", Chris points to the locked front door. Ashley and Sam are still waiting.

"Wohooo!", the blond man imitates the sound of a ghost. Smiling you shake your head, but you are a bit surprised that Chris knows always a way to make you laugh. "Ha ha! Very funny, Chris", of course Sam recognizes his voice immediately. "Come on, clown!", you drag the blond man away from the front door. "We have a frozen lock to open up."

At least you still know where the bathrooms are. "I would be lost without you", Chris admits grinning like a little boy. "You are always lost", is your sarcastic answer, but it's the truth. The living room still looks the same like a year ago. To your surprise you can't find a little bit of dust. Apparently someone cleaned the ski lodge before all of you have a good time the next few days.

"Hey, were are you going?", you ask Chris who is going into the wrong direction. "That's the dining room! I'm sure there is no deodorant." The blond man doesn't answer, but makes his way towards the answer machine. You follow him a bit curious. "Are you snooping again?" The two of you listen to the short call from Sergeant Tait.

Hi Mrs. Washington - this is Sergeant Tait again. It's bad news. I'm afraid. We've been through the case files, and there's nothing we can do. He's a free man. We don't have the legal power to restrict his movement. I know it's not what you wanted to hear, so call me if you want to know more.

"Does this mean someone is creeping around?", Chris asks shocked and looks at you with big eyes. It's hard to cover your true feelings right now. "Apparently. I hope the man is just a nature love", you answer almost as terrified as the blond man.

Neither of you two know what to say. Without a further word you make your way back into the living room. Even the information was more than terrifying Chris still snoops around and finds a picture from the prom night. "Hannah looks so happy on this picture", the blond man mumbles as he puts it back. "Can we just find the god damn deodorant?", you ask him annoyed.

Chris follows you silently so the two of you enter one of the bathrooms finally. "Look under the sink", the blond man does what you want. "There it is", he wants to grab the can as an angry animal attacks him. Surprised and shocked at the same time you make a step to the side so it can leave the bathroom.

"Are you alright?", you ask Chris worried and grab his right arm. With your help he gets back onto his feet. At least he has still the spray can. "I think I'm alright, thank you. What the hell was that?", his face looks a bit more pale than before. A slight smile appears on your lips. "I promise that I'll keep it as a secret", matching to your words you put your hand over your heart.

Chris rolls his eyes sighing. "What? That this thing attacked me or that I screamed like a girl?", you give your best to hold back your laugh as you follows him to the front door. "Both, but you have to admit that the little wolverine baby really got you", you reply. The blond man runs his fingers through his hair.

"Alright, it was actually really scary", Chris agrees, while he uses the spray can and the lighter as a flamethrower. Proud of himself he opens the door and bows like a gentleman. "Thank you - Thank you - Thank you. I'll be here all week", he adds to his gesture. The wolverine takes his chance and runs out of the ski lodge. The smile on your lips widens immediately.

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