Decision - You Stay

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Decision - You Stay

"Listen, Josh. I'm sorry, but I can't go back. To be honest I never wanted to be a wendigo hunter, but I have to bear this burden now. It's my task to keep a watch on this mountain. It's my place where I have to be even if I don't want it", you start to stumble over your own words.

Josh stares at you with shocked eyes still holding out his hand for you. Yes, to say goodbye is way harder than you have thought. "What? Why? ... No, please! Don't leave me", suddenly he seems so lost like a puppy which searches for its owner. Sighing you try to avoid eye contact, because you probably couldn't stand the pain in his eyes.

Josh grabs your arm softly so you can't run away from him. "Please, (Y/N), please! Come with me. You are the only light in my life. How I'm supposed to live without my best friend?", his voice trembles a little bit. Just for a brief moment you look into his eyes. They are filled with tears. Slowly you shake your head.

"I was never a really good friend. I had secrets, I lied to you and I couldn't save your sisters. Just let me go, Josh. It's better for you and me", the situation would be easier if he would hate you. "Liar", is the only thing he says to you. "What?", surprised and a bit shocked you stare at him. "You were always a good friend. The best I ever could ask for. Please, don't rip my heart out of my chest and throw it on the ground", Josh adds to the single word.

You open your mouth to say something, but what? "I should have told you earlier that I ... really like you ... Uh ... I mean ... I...", without a word you put a finger on his lips to stop him. "Don't say it, Josh. You make it harder for us", your heart tries to jump out of your chest. How long have you waited for this moment and now you have to leave everything behind. Softly you stroke his cheek with your hand.

"No, please. I love you, (Y/N)", Josh admits, while a single tear escapes his eye which you just wipe away with your thumb. It breaks your heart how desperate he tries to convince you to go with him. "I love you too, but it doesn't change anything. I have to go, but I'll always be there", you put your hand on his chest right above his heart.

"Then let me stay with you", Josh really wants to be by your side. "No, I don't want you to get hurt. Leave this mountain behind. It happened too much for you. Start a new life. That's your chance", you lean forward and press your lips softly against his for a brief moment. "I wish you all luck of the world, Josh."

Without a further word you turn around. He shouldn't see the tears in your eyes as you go into the direction where you remind the sanatorium. Your father said once he lived there. "Set your mind free and you'll be the perfect hunter. The pain ends someday", the voice of your father in your head tells you this over and over again. You hope so...

"Come on, buddy", you say smiling to the wolf by your side. He waited patiently for you in your uncle's home for him to return. In the first moment the animal wasn't thrilled that you will be his new friend, but the wolf accepted you after you gave him something to eat.

The two of you make your way to the cable car station. Josh respected your wish that he shouldn't come back to the mountain, but he wanted to stay in touch with you. Once in week he sends you a letter with the cable car just to let you know how everyone is doing. Every day you are looking forward to get a new message from him. Even if you have your little furry friend you feel alone sometimes.

When you have a bad day you love to read the letters your father wrote to your uncle. He kept every little text, where your father told him how proud he is that you are his child. Between all those letters you found a few pictures from you as a child. Your uncle really loved you even if he never had a chance to tell you that.

The wolf starts to lick your hand to snap you out of your sad thoughts. "Oh, yeah! Sorry", you pat his head softly, while you two continue your way to the cable car station.

As fast as you can you open the door, because the cable car is already waiting. Hopefully with a nice letter from Josh. Shocked and surprised you stop in your movement when you see a familiar face. "Hey", Josh gives you his best smile which melts your heart after a few seconds. Tears appear in your eyes and happiness fills you from your head to your toes. The feelings to see him again overwhelms you.

"What are you doing here?", you find your tongue finally, but he just gives you a shrug with his shoulders. "I ... I can't be without you. I totally understand that you can't go back, but please let me stay with you", Josh admits and takes a little step closer. No, this time you wouldn't push him away.

Without a word you make your way towards him and hugs him tightly. "I missed you so much", you mumble into his jacket so he almost can't understand your words. Most of the time you were the friend who comforts him, but now the roles are changed. The last few weeks you didn't have a friend to talk about what happened this one hell of a night.

"I'm here and I won't leave you again", Josh rubs circles on your back. The wolf next to you just tilts his head confused. "Promise that you are going to teach me to be badass like you. I don't want to be the one who screams like girl and runs away", he tries to make you laugh with a silly joke.

Smiling you take a little step back to punch him playfully. Usually you would say something sarcastic, but your head stopped working for some reason. Josh comes closer again just to press his lips against yours. Yes, you missed this feeling of butterflies in your stomach too.

"You are really insane to stay with a Wendigo hunter on this fucking mountain", and back is your sarcasm. "Maybe, but you are my Wendigo hunter. That's the most important thing", he replies charming as hell. Your furry friend welcomes Josh with an angry glare, but you are sure they will get along together.

Boom, Butterfly Effect!

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