The Player (A Harry Styles Fanfic)

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"Are we there yet?" My annoying 8 year old brother Cole asks.

"We will be in ten minutes." My dad says from the front of our car. Cole sighs back into seat and continued tapping away at his PSP.

My names Lacey Bennett, I'm 17 and my family and I are moving to a small town that goes by the name of Homes Chapel, Cheshire. I'm used to moving though, see my parents are CEOS of a big corporation where they are forced to move around a lot.

Homes Chapel Comprehensive School would now be my 15th school I've been to and lets just say I was nervous for my first day tomorrow. Sure, I've had like 15 first days of school but this one made me the most nervous because this year was my senior year and I made my parents promise we wouldn't move in the middle of the year so I could get the whole senior experience.

"We're here." My mom calls from the front seat. I open my eyes and look out the cold window to see my new house. It was huge just like my other houses we had moved into before. As my mom pulls into our driveway, Cole automatically snaps off his seat belt and runs out of the car and into our new house.

"Twerp get back here you know how this works, I get to pick my room first!" I yell at him. He keeps his steady pace as he runs into our new house. I then here a deep chuckle coming from next to me. I quickly spin around to see where the laugh had come from. There stood a boy, he looked around my age and had brown curly hair. His eyes were a bright shade of green and he was really fit. He was getting into a black convertable that was parked into the driveway next to me. That boy must be my new neighbor. He then closes the door and got in his car without another word, I keep my gaze fixed on the car as it pulled away.

"Come help with these boxes Lacey!" My mother called from the moving truck that had just pulled up.

"Coming!" I yell back as I ran over to my mom. This was going to be a good year, I could feel it.

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