It was all a game

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A week has past and now it was the Wednesday before the prom. Today they were having the first game because the last one was canceled. Nothing had really happened in the past week.Harry and I went on one more date and life has been good. Right now I was sitting on the bench by the cheerleaders, because even if I couldn't cheer I had to wear my uniform and sit with them. I was clapping for the players who were running out onto the field. When Harry ran out, he waved at me and I waved back with a big smile.

"Oh give it up." A voice said from next to me. I look over to see Rebecca standing there.

"W-what?" I ask.

"I know Lacey. All about your little act. You really didn't think I would find out. I mean you practically told me when you were trashed at my house." She snapped. My breath was now shaking. Rebecca was the one who knew. She knows about Harry. She knows everything. I stand up quick and stand right in front of Rebecca.

"Rebecca please don't tell-" I start. Rebecca then pushed me down until I was on the ground. Before I knew it Harry and Delilah were by my side. I get up off the ground as I could feel all eyes on us.

"What the fuck Rebecca!" Harry spat at her.

"Oh please Harry. Lacey isn't as innocent as you think." Rebecca laughed.

"What is she talking about?" Harry asks me. I didn't know what to say.

"Oh come on Lacey. You know exactly what I'm talking about. So should I tell him Lacey. Hmmm?" She says. A tear escaped my eye.

"Please d-dont." I stutter.

"Harry, Lacey was using you. You are only a game to her." Rebecca says. I began crying more.

"What are you talking about?" Harry asks.

"You were her task Harry. Her task was to make you fall in love with her." Rebecca yells.

"Is this true?" Harry asks.

"Yes but-" I say.

"No Lacey were over." Harry says. Tears were now streaming down my face.

"No no no Harry let me explain!" I beg.

"Explain what!? How you used me to get prom queen? How you told me you loved me with a straight face and it was all a joke to you! You know for once I thought I found someone who loved me for me. Somebody who didn't call me a player and somebody I thought I loved." He said. Tears were now down his cheaks.

"Please Harry stop." I cry.

"No. Were done." He spat as he walked away.

"I can't believe you did that to him." Delilah says as she walks away. I was left there with the whole school staring at me speechless.

"Why don't you leave Lacey. Don't you think you've caused enough trouble." Rebecca laughs. My tears were now uncontrollable as I ran away from the field to my car. I got in and tried to dry my tears. My cheaks were now stained with black from my mascara. If only harry had listened to me. But I didn't deserve him. I never did. I then let more tears out as I began to drive home.

I got out of my car as I see harry sitting on his porch. He quickly sees me and scurried inside.

"Harry!" I call but it was too late. He was aready behind closed doors. I run inside my house and up to my room. I lay on my bed and let more tears out.I soon hear a door crack open.

"Lacey?" Said a small fragile voice.

"Yes Cole?" I ask back.

"Are you Ok?" He asks.

"No." I choke out as he came over next to me.

"Did Harry do this?" He growls.

"No Cole. I did something mean to Harry and he broke up with me. But don't worry I deserved it." I cry.

"Don't cry." He says as he comes into bed with me.

"Thanks Cole." I say as I begin to drift asleep until I hear yelling from downstairs.

"Cole what's going on?" I ask him.

"Mom and dad are fighting again." Cole whispered. My parents usually fight right when we move. They always do.Cole really hated it.

"It will be ok Cole. Lets just go to bed." I say. He nods his head and that's what we do, fall asleep.


how was that chapter. ;) Its my birthday so I thought I should update.;))) I have about 10 more chapters left I think so yaa. Vote fan and comment! :)

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