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I woke up super early that Friday morning. I really don't know what had gotten into me I usually didn't wake up for school until I had too but today felt different. I took a shower and got dressed in my uniform. I curled my hair and put my makeup on. I check my clock to see I had over a hour left before I had to be at school. I decide to drive to a local cafe I saw near by before I go to school.

I soon got to the cafe and walked inside. It wasent really that busy, just a couple old people and morning joggers. I walk over to the front counter to see a bubbly lady waiting to take my order.

"Hi welcome to the Raven cafe what can I get you?" The nice lady asks.

"Ya I'll have a iced coffee and blueberry muffin." I say. She nodded and I paid and she made my things. She handed them over to me.

"Thank you have a nice day!" She says.

"Thanks you too." I say. I turn around to walk right into someones chest. Luckily nothing spilled as I notice they had the same school uniform on as me.... only the uniform was guys.

"Hey lace." The deep voice says as he lets out a chuckle. I look up to see Harry.

"Hey Harry." I say nervously as I separate me from his chest.

"So Lace what are you doing here?" He asks me.

"I woke up early so ya know, here I am, what are you doing here?" I ask.

"I come here every morning." He says.

"Oh." Was all I say.

"Ya well why don't I go get my order then we can sit together, well if you don't mind." He says.

"Sure I'd like that." I say. He nods as he goes to get his food. I go and sit down at a table next to the window as it overlooked the busy seats of Homes Chapel. My mind was wandering at a fast pace. Soon Harry plops down in the seat across from me.

"Are you excited for Rebeccas party tonight?" He asks me.

"Ya I can't wait." I say back.

"Cool." He says. We continue to talk for what seemed like forever. I thought it would be awkward considering the events that took place last night, but no it wasent. we talked about everything. He then started to talk to me about my singing and I told him stories and he seemed so interested. We were both now laughing at a funny joke he told as he flips his hair back. The laughter died down and Harry looked me in the eye.

"Lacey?" He asks.

"Yes Harry?" I ask back.

"Can I tell you something?" He asks.

"Ofcourse, anything you want." I tell him.

"Well um Lacey this is kinda hard for me to say and I uh wanted to say this sense the first day I met you actually. So um here it goes. Lacey I uh am in lo-"

"She will be loveddd

ya she will be lovedddd" My phone blared as it cut Harry off.

"Sorry Harry I should awnser this." I say to him as I look down at my caller ID and notice it was Delilah calling me.

"No problem." He sighed as I picked up my phone.

"Hello." I said into my phone.

"Lacey where are you! School is starting in ten minutes and we were supposed to meet up before school." Delilah says.

"Oh my gosh I'm on my way. Bye." I say into my phone.

"Alright bye." She says. I hung up my phone and turned back to Harry.

"School starts in ten we gotta go." I say as u pick up my trash remains and chuck them into the trash.

"Ok." Harry said as we exit the building. His car was parked right next to mine and just as we were both getting into the car he stopped me.

"Lacey!" Harry called.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Um would you maybe wanna get coffee with me again sometime?" He asks.

"I'd love to Harry." I say as I jump into my car and drive off.

*At school*

"Where have you been its one minute to the bell!" Delilah says to me as we power walk to first hour.

"Sorry I just um lost track of time?" I say as more of a question.

"Well where did you go?" She asks.

"A little cafe downtown." I say.

"Oh." Was all she says as we walk into our first hour and take our seats. The bell then rang so thankfully we weren't late. Our teacher comes in and starts the attendance but I then notice Harry wasent in the room. Ten minutes later Harry walks in.

"Mr. Styles I hope you have a very good reason to why you decided to be late to my class." Our teacher yells at him.

"I um am sorry." He says as he takes his seat.

"Very well then Mr.Styles." The teacher says. I then noticed through out the hour Harry stealing glances at me and smiling. Ya I had prom queen in the bag.

The rest of the day went by super fast and me and Harry talked alot too. The music teacher told me my audition yesterday was fantastic.I was also told by Rebecca to wear something "hot" to her party. I agreed and was now on my way home to change for this party. I can't believe I had already been at this school for a week though. I mean it feels like I've been going to school with these people for my whole life. I was already on cheer and in the popular crowd and I more than likely had a good part in school musical. I was also about to win prom queen in a few weeks. All I had to do was make Harry fall for me,and that's what I was planning to do tonight.


hope you enjoyed! party is the next chapter. will update soon so ya. vote fan and comment.

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