A little crush

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I sit alone in my room going over stupid maths problems. As you can probably tell, my Monday was going fantastic. I had that whole lunch table thing and now I'm doing homework.After we left our meeting thought, I went back to our lunch room table and stasi looked mad. I would be too if I blew it at becoming prom queen. I look over at Delilah who was looking down and not speaking. harry than made his way over and kissed me. I saw at the corner of my eye Rebecca and stasi cringe. I knew what happened with Rebecca, but why was stasi giving me a evil look? Hmm. I ignore it and carry on with the rest of my day. After school we had play practice and we ran over our lines and practiced songs and had a good time. Harry was truly amazing and well, now I'm at home doing maths until my phone went off.

"Hey there Delilah what's it like in New York city" My phone screeched. That was Delilah's pre set ringtone. Clever I know with Delilah and all. Hey don't judge I mean Harrys ringtone is isn't she lovely by Stevie Wonder and everyone else's is she will be loved by maroon five. I know I'm a slow song kinda gal. Anyway I awnser the phone to Delilah.

"Hey Lacey!" She says happily into the phone.

"Hey Delilah." I say back.

"Hey I gotta talk to you. Wanna go for a walk?" She asks me.

"Sure." I say with a smile.

"Cool on my way." She says.

"Ok I'll be down in a few." I say.

"Ok bye." She says

"Bye." I reply as I through on my white sweater that was way to big for me and a white Beanie that goes with it. I slip on some boots that go along with my black leggings and also grab a scarf. I trot downstairs to see Cole watching TV in our den.

"Cole I'm going out ill be right back." I say to him.

"Whatever have fun with your boyfriend." He mutters.

"I'm not going out with Harry." I say to him.

"Sure." He says as he doesn't loose focus on the TV.

"Really I'm just going on a walk with a girl from school." I say.

"Is her name Harry?" He asks rudely.

"Look Cole, I don't know what's gotten into you recently but stop. I'm not going out with Harry. What happened to us Cole? You barely talk to me anymore then you act like this?" I ask him.

"Lacey, all my friends at school look up to him as a player or legend. They always talk about the girl he is with being a babe. Do you know how hard that is for me? Being the babes baby brother!" He yells.

"Oh my gosh Cole I had no idea! I'm so so sorry. Please forgive me Cole." I beg.

"It's not you Lacey. Its your boyfriend. I've...heard rumors I don't want you getting hurt." He says.

"Cole your 8. Please don't worry about me. Trust me I'll be careful. I love you." I say to him.

"Love you too." He says.

"Good." I say as I kiss his head.

"So what's your friends name?" He asks.

"Delilah." I awnser.

"D-delilah? As in brown hair brown eyes hot babe Delilah Sanders?" He asks.

"Yes?? I see you have a crush?" I chuckle.

"She is the hottest girl in grade 12!" He says.

"Woah tiger, your in grade 4." I say as I laugh.

"I know she is just woah." He says.

"Well do you wanna meet her?" I ask him.

"U-uh y-ya." He stutters and as soon as he says that I hear a knock at the door.

"Well come here." I say as I take his hand and lead him to the door. I swing it open to see a perky Delilah with her brown hair up in a messy bun and she had on dark skinny jeans and a pink zip up hoodie from Victorias secret.

"Hey Lacey." She says with a smile.

"Hey Delilah. This is my brother Cole. He just so happens to think your very pretty." I say as I wink at Delilah. I look at Cole who was a bright side of pink.

"Well hi there Cole." Delilah says with a smile.

"H-hi." He stutters.

"Well Cole were leaving. Be home later." I say as I kiss his head.

"Bye." He says.

"Bye Cole." Delilah says as she leans down and presses her lips softly onto his cheak.He turns more pink as he smiles from ear to ear.

"B-bye Delilah." He says. We both chuckle as we leave the house. we begin walking and I wonder what Delilah wanted to talk to me about.

"Ok so Lacey?" Delilah asks me.

"Yes..?" I ask.

"I wanted to tell you what my task was."She says.

"Oh uh ok." I say.

"Well sense I'm not in the game I can tell you.... My task was to.... find out somebody else task and expose it to the whole school and I..." She says.

"You know my task don't you?" I ask cutting her off.

"No I don't I swear but I know Stasi's and I just couldent exspose it." She says.

"Well what was it?" I ask shocked.

"To.....make Harry Styles fall in love with her by prom night."


ohhhh plot twist! bet you didn't see THAT one coming did ya??? ohhh. so Rebecca knows stasis task, stasi knows nobody's task. Delilah knows stasis task and Lacey knows Delilah's and stasis. and yet somebody knows Laceys. so what did you think about stasi and Lacey having the same task? Do you think Lacey will tell Delilah her task??? oh find out next time.. haha cliffhanger! anyway keep voting fanning and commenting!


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