maths and lunch

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"What's your next class?" Harry asks me as we walk side by side down a long narrow hallway.

"Maths." I awnser back. He nods his head and we keep on walking straight. As we walk I occasionally see people look at us. Girls look at us with disgust and look at me coldly. Boys on the other hand were making 'oohh' sounds and saying things like 'you go man' and another boy yelled 'he shoots and he scores!' I just ignore them and keep walking with Harry to my maths class. Soon I see everyone engaged into whispers as they stare directly at us. What was all the fuss over me today? I thought to myself but was soon snapped out of my thoughts when Harry began to speak.

"Well this is your stop." He says as we were parked outside a classroom door.

"Thanks Harry." I say with a smile.

"No problem, see you at try outs." He says and before I could awnser he was gone. I sighed back and faced the door to my maths class. I quickly shuffle into the room to see a bunch of students. I look for a seat but couldent decide which one to go to.

"Oh Lacey over here!" Calls a small feminine voice. I snap my neck to the side to see the girl I bumped into earlier, Rebecca calling me over. I make my way over and sit next to her and another one of her friends. Her friend had medium lenth black hair and hazel eyes.

"Hi Lacey, this is my friend Stasi." Rebecca says to me.

"Hi." I say back with a smile.

"So I hear you were hanging out with Harry Styles." Rebecca says to me.

"Um ya how did you know that already?" I ask.

"We have connections." Stasi says to me.

"Oh. well ya we kinda talked." I reply with.

"Oh about what?" Rebecca asks. I could tell she was probably just digging for gossip.

"Um just try outs." I say back.

"Oh your trying out for cheer?" She asks excitedly.

"Ya I was thinking about it." I say truthfully.

"I'm cheer captain! You should DEFINITELY try out." She says enthusiastically.

"Ok." I say back. Then the bell rang and in came a teacher.

"Hello class I'm Mr. Abeck. Come up here and grab a text book. Fast, fast!" He calls as we all rush up to the front of the class and grab our books. When we all sit back down he makes his way over infront of the chalkboard.

"Page 228-250. Read it and do problems 1-50." He orders. We all obey as we read the maths pages. I then notice while I was reading Stasi was talking to Will, who I just noticed was in this class. They look like they were flirting with each other. They look like they would make a cute couple, thought by they way Delilah was staring at Will I'm pretty sure she had a major crush on him.

"Mrs. Bennett is there something distracting you?" Mr. Abeck says breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Uh no sir." I quickly awnser.

"Very well, get back to work everyone." He says and thats all we did that hour, work.


4 hours had quickly flown by and it was now time for lunch. I enter the canteen to see people running around, people getting food, and many crowded tables. Where to sit, where to sit. I thought to myself.

"Hey Lacey, follow us to our Popular table." Rebecca says as she passes me. I nod my head slightly and follow Rebecca to a round table with about ten seats at it. I sit next to Rebecca and pull out my lunch. Soon after our whole table was crowded. We had me, Rebecca, Stasi, their other friend Katie, Delilah, Will, a few other jocks, a few people I didn't catch the name of, and last but not least Harry Styles.

"So Lacey, word on the street is your parents are pretty rich." Rebecca says to me.

"Well um ya." I say back.

"Oh don't be quiet about it. All of our families are rich. And we all live in the same million dollar neighborhood so you'll have us to hang out with." Rebecca says.

"Oh cool." I say back. I really don't know why Rebecca was so nice to me,I mean isn't the most popular girl in high school supposed to be a total bitch? Well I guess that is just another peice of proof that labels don't define us.

"Harry over here babe." She says patting down the seat next to her. He obeys and plops down into the seat.

"I'm missed you babe." She says kissing his cheak. He smiled and wrapped his arms around her.

"I missed you to." He says. Ok maybe I was wrong, labels do define us and Harry was definitely a player.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter. btw when I call Harry a player I know he is not it is just for the plot line and it is called a fan FICTION so calm down. k vote fan and comment!


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