This was something special.

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I ran. As fast as I possibly could. I could feel the whole gyms eyes on me as I exited the building but I didn't care. I needed to get to Harry. I run out if the building and immediately become trenched from the rain that had started. I really didn't care though. I kept running in the parking lot. I then saw harry sitting in his car with his head down. I gently knock on his car window. He lifts his head up fast and our eyes come in contact like always. He opens his door and gets out to face me. We were only about a foot apart.

"Harry are you ok?" I ask him, my voice shaking.

"I'm fine." He says.

"No your not. Your lying." I tell him.

"Well how do you know that?" He asks.

"You b-bite the inside of your cheak when you lie." I say. Harry looks stunned by my awnser.

"Shouldn't you be winning prom queen right now?" He asks changing the subject.

"Well ya. But your way more important than some worthless crown." I say. My voice was shaking.

"That's not what it was like when we started dating." He says. His voice was becoming louder.

"Your right! I didn't realize what a amazing Guy you were at first and I feel awful for that.But harry, that night you told me you loved me, and I said it back, I ment that. With all my heart. I love you Harry. Please don't leave me. " I cry. My voice shaking with every breath. Harry didn't say anything. For what feels like forever. I stand there in the rain in silence. The next thing I know was a warm tuxedo jacket was around my shivering body. I then felt Harrys warm hands on the bottom of my chin pushing it up so our eyes come in contact with each others again.

"I'm not going to leave you." He whispers for just us to hear. He then leans down and places his warm lips onto mine. I wrap my arms around his neck as we stand, in the middel of a school parking lot kissing in the rain. This was something special.


yaya they are back together! I couldn't leave you all on a cliffhanger for too long. lol. So I updated! woohooo! Its not over yet guys.... still more to come... ;) lots of drama and I have about 10 more chapters left! Now I've been asked if I will do a sequal. That's a no at the moment. I guess if I get ALOT and I mean ALOT of request for one than ya I will but right now I only have about two. lol so ya...:) vote fan and comment!

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