Finally happy.

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"Harry?" A small voice asks. Harry breaks apart our kiss and we both turn to see Rebecca with tears down her cheaks.

"I-im sorry." She chokes out. She takes one step back as she trips on her heel. She regains her balance as she looks back to us.

"I'm so sorry." She says as she runs inside. You could tell she was upset for some reason.

"Harry what did you do to her?" I ask him.

"U-uh." He stutters.

"Really what did you do Harry?" I ask.

"I may of yelled at her that I DONT like her." He says quietly.

"Oh.... um Harry maybe I should go talk to her..." I say.

"Ya please do go talk to her... I'm going to get going." He says.

"Bye." I say as he wraps me in a hug. I give him back his jacket as I run in the school to look for Rebecca. The first person I see happened to be Margo.

"Margo have you seen Rebecca?" I ask.

"Uh ya she ran past me and muttered something about getting the hell out of here. She dropped her purse thought." Margo says as she holds up Rebeccas purse.

"I'll take it to her thanks Margo." I say.

"No problem." Margo says back.

"Oh and Margo." I say to her.

"Yes Lacey?" She asks.

"Can you tell Jimmie I'm leaving and had a good time with him?" I ask.

"Ofcourse." She says back.

"Oh and one more thing." I ask.

"Yes?" She asks.

"Can you tell Walker, Amber, and Skyler I'm sorry I just-" I say but Margo cuts me off.

"There not mad Lacey." She says.

"Thanks Margo." I say.

"No problem." She replies with. I run outside and thankfully the rain had stopped. I then notice I don't have a ride home. I came with Jimmie. I guess I better walk home. I was just about to start walking when somebody stopped me.

"Need a ride?" The voice asks me. I turn around to see a boy I've never seen before.

"Um who are you?" I ask the boy.

"Grant. Grant Taylor." The boy says as he takes his shaggy black hair and moves it out of his face. He was quite tall with piercing hazel eyes.

"Well Grant Taylor how do I know your not going to rape me or something?" I ask Grant.

"I'm apart of the Good students program. We believe that for one, sex before marriage is wrong and for two no person should drive home drunk. So that's what I'm doing on my prom night, giving people who decided it was ok to get drunk a ride home." He assured.

"Oh..... well just to let you know, I'm not drunk." I tell him as my cheaks turn slightly red.

"I can tell, but you still look like you need a ride. What do you say?" He asks.

"Ya that would be awesome if you could give me a ride." I tell him.

"Sure. Come on." He says as he leads me to his car. I get in and tell him how to get to my house. We get talking as he drives and I find out Grant is a really cool person.

"So Lacey, why did you leave the prom?" He asks me.

"There is this thing I need to fix." I tell him.

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