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Alright. So i've seen and heard that you all would like me to take a dip and a plunge into the Void and/or the River Styx, Lethe, Acheron, Cocytus and Phlegethon (no offense Percabeth, but you guys made that stuff sound NASTY, and well...dangerous)...BUT!! i do have a reason for leaving! (it took me a second to think it up but...) while i was making sure the monsters i had tailing me (haha i said tailing and they had tails, urk...ahem) had lost me since i lost my weapons (dam it Riptide, why won't you share your reappearing trick with everyone else?) Phantanos appeared and was pissed about something, i don't remember really. But basically, he created the illusion that i was...hold on...a full on mortal!but i guess it was a time trial or something and i'm here now to tell all ya'll that i'm back and not to worry because i will keep writing this story (i actually have plans to make it a 2 or 3 book story, fingers crossed i actually stay focused enough and get good enough ideas for them,although i may have one or two i likee) but yeah. I'm back, baby!!!

Omega, Son of Chaos 1: ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now