Here Comes the Rest of the Fam

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Finally! Omega was back on his own two feet and healthy, now he, Alpha and I can go back to being the sexy trio (Hunter made a close fourth but three's a party, four's a scandal, and nobody wants that) and after hunter and i watched Omega beat Alpha to a pulp and Reaper recording it telling Bow and Queen he would replay it for Lord Chaos and on Alpha's birthday, Cal went to heal the bruised man. "you satisfied yet Perce? i only did what you know i should have and what was right." Alpha said while his dislocated shoulder was being mended.

"yeah, i know. why do you think i went easy on you? i still have my star ring on you know."

"hey Omega, i've been meaning to ask," i started, "what's with the ring?"

"it was a couple of centuries before you were all brought to the Void, when it was just Charlie, Alpha and I. we went on a mission to stop a mad scientist who took control over an entire solar system by converting everyone into animalistic beasts. once the first planet was under his rule, the other planets were a breeze. long story short, i was captured, transformed-" the girls gasped "-BUT! i was able to gain control over this animal side of mine and defeated him. now i have to ring to stay as Omega. ring off, my other side, on, Omega. you DON'T want me to take off my ring."

"fuun" i whistled. at that moment Arrow came in running, "they're, here, and, waiting, impatiently" he said within gasps.

"hey man, you sound a bit out of breath. want some Gatorade? or Nectar?" Hunter sarcastically asked while throwing a few kunai at a dart board.

"very, funny." (Arrow)

"who's here?" Omega asked, subconsciously touching his ring.

"oh yeah, while you were out, we had some campers call in the Romans, Amazons, and somehow the Hunters of Artemis. we're still trying to get to the gods, well the ones that aren't drunk off their ass like Mr. D. also we weren't able to do the speaking since you are the only one who has taken off his mask in public... that's actually the reason they all agreed to come. we told them you were alive and they said they were already on their way. Frank, leading the Romans, Queen Hylla with her Amazons, and Phoebe said she had informed Lady Artemis and she has allowed them to come, don't worry," Alpha said, "we told the three of them not to tell the gods you were here and alive because we thought you'd probably be against that idea."

"thanks." Percy said.

"well yeah, we called them, and here they are. want to say hi?" Alpha said, also telling Calypso he's ok and walked to the door of our cabin.

"sure, although i still know we need the gods, but i'll take care of that later myself."

"ho-" Star started off

"all by myself." Omega said, in a honestly scary in a silent-and-gentle-like-a-high-functioning-sociopath kind of way.

"ok" she said.

"awesome sauce then!" i said obviously easing the tension, "we have our guests all waiting fir the MIRACULOUS revival of Percy Jackson and Leo Valdez! because obviously Team Leo isn't Team Leo without Leo."

"Leo! are you serious right now?" Moonlace yelled at me, slapping me on the back of my head, causing Angel, Reaper and Bow to fall on their asses laughing.

"hey! that hurt babe, besides, you'll ALWAYS be the Prez of Team Leo."

"making you the...?" she questioned me.

"uhhh lord,king,something high"

"lets just go already." we then all, but Percy, put on our masks. we then exited and saw everyone there. Percy came out last and every- an i mean EVERYONE shouted, cheered, laughed and cried (Frank doing all in reverse order) to find out that the greatest demigod was still, in fact, alive. and Percy, being Persassy was all like, "gee guys, haven't you ever seen a demigod-primodial-son of Chaos-and leader of a squad of Chaos Warriors? sheesh, amateurs." he then turned to us, "ok guys, umm you can show your real selves if any of you want," he said opening a portal, "i gotta bounce for a sec. later" he left just like that.

Omega, Son of Chaos 1: ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now