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Percy POV

"so what kind of familiar do you want? also, you can choose two if you want." Luke reminded me *gee thanks for making me lose my train of thought, i was thinking about blue pancakes* "that's a weird thing to think about" Luke interrupted again
"don't read my mind!"
" wow, so i can't read your thoughts but you can read mine? a bit unfair there Omega."
"ugh, ok,you're right.but you know how to block me out and i don't!"
"i'll teach you soon, we're here now"
"you really don't pay attention do you?"
"was it important?"
"was it supposed to be educational at all?"
"no...well maybe"
"then there's your answer"
"fine whatever, we call this place the ZOO because we hold all sorts of animals from every world, both mythological/fantasy like and not"
"yeah...so pick two"
as i walked around i noticed animals so weird looking i thought there was NO WAY in Hades that was a mortal animal.
"i got them."
"ok, tell me and i'll teach you how to summon them and merge. careful though,merging could be dangerous if you or your familiar trust and respect eachother."
"pshh,i'm all about respect."
Alpha rolled his eyes, "fine, go on and choose"
"a gryphon"
"and a sabertooth tiger"
"woahh, going pretty old here"
"well in my mind there's nothing wrong about the good old-school killers" i said with what Luke told me looked like a dangerous smile. he took me to a closed off room with two cages in there and told me to sit on a bench that i hadn't seen there a second ago between the cages. "don't worry, they probably wont try to attack through the bars"
"PROBABLY?! if this is your daytime job, quit"
he just laughed and sat me down. soon each of the animals i chose to the cages, one in each." *think happy thoughts, hopefully about not getting shredded to slices by a gryphon and a sabertooth tiger*
"how about you think about blue pancakes?" Alpha joked, i ignored him because the beasts looked unamused and started pacing around. "ok, i'm about to rip out some of their DNA to make you your familiars,they might not like it."
"as if they weren't already restless."
once Alpha got some DNA and created my new familiars the originals were taken away. "ok so these are your familiars"
"ow,the gryphon is poking me,hey! that's his new name. poker,and the tiger will be Razor,because of his teeth if you didn't know."
"gee, i NEVER would've guessed" he said flatly
"how's they hanging mutha fuckas,oh, you're teaching him about familiars Alpha?" End asked as he came out of nowhere with a clearly cross faded woman who couldn't stop giggling.
"Lord End, hasn't Lord Chaos told you time and time again to please not bring women here?"
"but she loves animals!"
"they ALL do according to you"
"they all did"
"fine,and to answer you question, yes i am teaching Omega about how to summon and merge with his familiars depending on what he wants to merge and where,like your...race horse"
"oh you mean Earl? yeah haha good old earl."
"so if you can please Lord End i-"
"i'd love to teach my nephew about familiars! just a sec slick" he snapped his fingers and the woman was completely sober, he snapped them again and she disappeared. "there, i send her home, sound asleep," suddenly serious, but not dangerously so *thank the Void* "ok kid, familiars are basically blood brothers, you get the reference right? alright, so to begin with,we need to cut you somewhere so we can let the familiar enter your blood stream"
"ok, no one told me about THAT!" i said leaning back a bit
"don't worry, you'll feel it but it wont hurt,"he pulled out a blade "all righty then,where do you want 'em?"
"my left palm and shoulder," he cut both so quickly i didn't even see him move. both my familiars turned blood red, then into blood and entered my wounds sealing them up. Uncle End then went on saying " ok,now to summon them, you just have to open up those cuts, and the great thing, even if your enemies cut you there, they wouldn't summon them unless you wanted them sent."
"cool" it reminded me a bit of the Naruto Summoning jutsu
"it's similar to it" Alpha said reading my thoughts, again -.- "i'll tech you how to shut down and turn on the mind thing next after Lord End finishes."
"so you understand now how to summon, so bring out the sabertooth first and then the gryphon, they should be able to telepathically speak to you, you can shut them out also if you want,and then i'll teach you how to merge."
i slit my left palm and the sabertooth appeared out of my wound which was sealing, and then the same with the gryphon and my left shoulder.
"nice going,ok so now, to merge you simply have to cut them."
Alpha interrupted again, i mean i know he was teaching me first but he butts in a lot hahaha jk, by speaking out "but first tell us what of the animal you want to merge."
"i want the teeth,claws,reflexes and muscle of the sabertooth and the wings, talons (on my hands, i don't want to be gryphon boy), eyes, and bone density of the gryphon."
"alright, i know this will be hard but i need you to focus and the cut Razor" Alpha joked
"gee thanks for that"
"alright then, i guess i'm done here, i'll be going to go get that lady from before"
"i thought you said she was asleep" (Luke)
"well then maybe i'll wake her duuh."
"fine -.-"
after he left i cut Razor and at once i felt a difference happening, i looked at Alpha who was laughing his ass off "what the fuck you laughing at? i did it didn't i?"
"nice tail dude"
i looked behind me and i had a tail! and the worst part was that it was curling around like a pugs (dog), *great more practice*

_____time skip

Alpha POV

it took some ( a LOT) of time but Percy finally got his merging right, he walked around flashing his teeth and flexing his hands, so to pop out his claws (like Sabertooth from the X-Men comics except no tights or granny nails,more like crazy aunt xP) "how long are you going to pose and admire yourself in front of that mirror?"
"until it stops being awesome." he said with a flashy smile,letting a fang be seen.
"oh you mean five minutes ago?"
"party pooper... ok so how do i change back?"
"pretty much the same way you'd summon and seal them away,cut yourself" after he separated from Razor, and sealed him back into his palm i told him to do the same with Poker, this merging took half the time as the last one, he was learning well (even with the jokes and occasional whines). i loved when he messed up and looked hilarious, one of the times it seemed like he was part bird part chicken,with the beak and talons in his feet, but he'd also eventually have it right, followed by ANOTHER 15-20 of showing off his wings or admiring how he looked, the talons were similar to the claws as in he basically opened his hands and when he wanted to talons would come out, finally he sealed Poker just moments before Charlie came in. "Yo Perce, your blades are done,and let me tell you, they look badass, thanks obviously to yours truly" Percy got all excited "really? i want to see them now!"
"Selena has them ready back at the forge,come on." with that we went to the forge having Charlie lead the way,"you ready for more training?" i asked Omega.
"please, with my powers over lightning,fire,water,earth,charmspeak,super speed,rage inducing, vine and plant control, calamity,copy cat and my familiars i will own you."
"maybe if i haven't been holding WAAAY back for weapon training by not using my powers and familiars, also, i've talked with Lord Chaos, and i'm a bit faster than you," i tell him brushing my shirt in a ~not to brag but yeah~ kind of way
"want to bet?"
"it is SOO on."



Omega, Son of Chaos 1: ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now