Chapter 1

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The Slave Girl

Chapter 1

An hour later i woke up to the sound of footsteps on the marble floor of my room.

The footsteps stopped and i heard a creaking noise as the chair near my bed was being sitten in.

Siiting up in my bed I looked over to the spot where the chair was, to see the boy.

He had hazel eyes and dark brown curly hair, I hadn't noticed these things earlier because i was too afraid to look away from my Master at the boy.

We stared at each other for a bit until he spoke first.

"My name's Ian. What's yours?" He asked me without looking away.

I got out of bed and walked over to my door, opening it.

Peeking my head out the door i looked down both sides of the hall and closed the door.

No body was out in the hall so they couldn't hear us speak.

I walked back over to my bed and sat in the middle of it.

"Layla." i tell him in a whisper.

He nods and smiles at me.

"Well Layla, what would you like to do today?" He asks me with a glint in his eyes.

My name came out of his mouth as a caress.

It took me a moment to realize what he said, that i can go any where i want as long as Ian was with me.


His name formed so easily in my mind.

I look at Ian in the eyes and bite my bottom lip.

"Can we go to the forest and visit my family?" i ask him in a whisper.

He watches me as i wait for his answer with anticipation.

I haven't seen my parents since i was five but i do know that they live in the forest not far from here.

My Master promised me when i was six that he would leave them alone as long as i live in his castle forever.

When i was six i had tried to run away from him but he caught me before i could even leave my room.

So now that i can go see them today with Ian means everything to me.

His answer means everything to me.

Finally Ian stands up and starts walking to the door.

I jump off my bed and run after him before he gets too far down the hall.

Half way down it i see Ian stop in front of a guard near my Master's chambers down the hall and starts speaking to him.

The guard shakes his head and points at the Master's door.

I could easily tell what that meant.

Master forbade all guards from giving permission to Ian about seeing my family.

The guard scratches his head for a minute before speaking to Ian again and pointing in different ways and doing different gestures.

Ian comes back over to me and grabs my hand pulling me back into my room.

He shuts the door and turns to me.

"We can't go see your family but we can go into the forest. If not there then we can go to the village, the rose garden, or any where else. Just not where your family is." he explains to me.

I nod and open the door to the hall, walking out with Ian beside me i walk down many stairs, through many halls, and out many doors just to get outside and down the dirt path into the forest.

"If I can't go see my family then we'll just go as close as we can that isn't seeing them. You'll be my eyes and ears, Ian." i say to him and hear my voice caress his name easily.

Ian stops and watches me as i stop too and look at him.

He's looking towards something in the distance, something out of place.

I walk over to it and see what it is.


A family grave.

That's all i could take in before arrows were being shot at Ian and me out of thin air.

"Nymphs." i whisper before being nicked by an arrow.

Only later do i realize that the arrows must have been dipped in a sleeping potion.

Ian catches me before i fall over.

His back has around twenty arrows in it, maybe more.

But before i can count them i pass out with the numb feeling of being carried deeper into the woods.

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