Chapter 2

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The Slave Girl

Chapter 2

I wake to the sound of bubbling.

My eyes open to see Ian unconscious and laying down in a leaf-hammock next to my own.

His own eyes snap open looking straight at me causing a gasp to escape my lips.

He immediately jumps out of the leaf-hammock and onto his feet in one fluid motion.

Getting out of my leaf-hammock i search my surroundings with my eyes.

We were in a tree house with a wooden chest for both hammocks and giant tree leaves for curtains on the windows.

Before i could search further the Queen of Nymphs walked in and encircled me in her arms from behind.

"Hello, Slave Girl." She practically purrs in my ear while imprinting my scent into her mind with her nose.

Ian growls at the Queen while she did that.

"Calm down, Wolf Boy. I mean her no harm." She tells him while stepping away from me and towards Ian.

Now that she was in my view i could see what she looked like.

She has golden blond hair with small pointed ears peeking out from it, and her eyes were cat-like green.

Ian maneuvered around her and put himself slightly in front of me to the right, showing her that I was in his protection and that he would do anything to keep me safe.

The Queen spun back around facing Ian and I.

"So. Slave Girl, if I'm not mistaken i should get this right," she paused for a second to smile dangerously at me, "Your master is Mr. Klaus and Wolf Boy is your only guard to keep you safe from danger and your master. You two liked each other from the very second that you were alone together and you suggested going to see your family in the forest, but your Master ordered every guard to not give your guard permissions. Oh, and we can't forget that your the reincarnation of the Greek Goddess Artemis, am i right?"

I stay silent as I'm not to speak to anyone, and nod instead knowing very well that she has been spying on me since my Master took interest in me years ago.

Ian turns to me in surprise at the fact that i am the reincarnation of Artemis.

I keep my eyes down and away from his, not sure if i would like to see his expression.

"Good. Wolf Boy, your the Prince of Werewolves if I'm not mistaken, right? You were hiding out in the village not too far from the castle when Mr. Klaus brought you back as a guard for his little pet. The first time you saw her you could tell that she was more different than other humans. And when her Master touched the side of her face and down her neck, you were filled with rage towards him. When they put you into a training session and cleaned you up they made sure to make it short because her Master was about half way to her bedroom, where she was peacefully asleep in her bed, defenseless." she smiles in triumph when she takes a big look at Ian and I.

Ian trembles with the struggle of controlling his wolf.

I grab his arm and take the risk of speaking.

"Queen Willow, may we be excused from your presence and return to our home?" I speak to her in a quiet but stable voice.

She narrows her eyes at me and nods in answer.

"But you will come back tomorrow or i will drag you back here personally. Deal?" she asks me and holds out her hand.

I shake her hand and turn away with Ian.

The Slave GirlWhere stories live. Discover now