Chapter 5

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The Slave Girl

Chapter 5

Layla's POV

Ian grabbed my hand in his and started running towards the open doors behind us.

The gaurds did nothing as they just stood in shock before realizing that they were now free.

The Master couldn't order them around no longer since he was dead and turned to grey ashes.

They slowly one by one dropped their armor, shields and swords, and began to relish in the need to Change by their own whims.

I only got a glimpse of them as they Changed to their wolves before I was out of the room and running to the front door with Ian.

A few guards that didn't know what had happened ran towards us but once we all heard the roars of many werewolves they stopped and ran to the room we left behind us.

Ian stopped and picked me up in his arms before running at an incredible rate out the doors, down the dirt path leading into the village, and stop in front of a shop made for a blacksmith as they used to call them in the middle ages but are now known to be mechanics and blacksmiths.

He put me on my feet and grabbed my hand, keeping a tight hold on it.

I looked around us since I was never allowed to go into the village.

There were small houses over a hill and the dirt path we were on lead there between two rows of shops and the market.

The Blacksmith shop was on the corner of it all farthest from the other shops and houses.

It was huge, made of wood through and through except for the roofing it was straw to keep heat it and the cold out.

Before I got a full observation of the village and this shop, a man with a big build, deep brown eyes, and black mussed hair walked out of the shop and stopped in front of us.

He had oil smudges on his hands, arms, and a big smear of it on his forehead.

You could tell just by looking at him that he was a hardworking man who enjoyed helping others and doing his job.

He stared at us for a minute before bringing a red ragged cloth out of his back pocket and somewhat cleaning his hands of the oil.

Ian tightened his hold on my hand as the man stepped forward to look at us more closely.

Then his eyes fell to our intwined hands making a small smile tug on his lips.

Ian watched the man with keen senses as the man turned his stare to me.

Though softening it into a gaze when his eyes met mine.

"Come little ones, you have much to tell me and I you." his voice was of velvet as he spoke never taking his eyes from mine.

He turns to Ian and grins from ear to ear, revealing his sharp pointy teeth, before turning around and walking through the door he had come from.

Ian looks at me with happiness in his eyes before turning back to the shop and following the man who must be the blacksmith.

Though before we enter a thought strikes me.

I am free.

I am free and no one will ever control me again.

A smile edges the corners of my lips as I relish in the very feeling of being free.

The very thought of knowing that no one will ever make me their slave again.

Nor will they make Ian.

I stop there just outside the doorway and tug at Ian's hand.

He stops, turns to me, and tilts his head to the side wondering what the matter is.

A full blown grin forms on my lips as I inch forward to him.

"We're free. I'm free because of you." I whisper to him while looking him in the eyes. "Ever since that day, you have always been there to save me when I needed it most."

I lean in to his ear and whisper, "You are my Guardian Angel."

I turn my head to his cheek and lift my left hand to turn his head to face me.

Looking into his eyes I lean in to kiss him.

His lips only seconds away from mine it time.

"You two coming or what?"

My head turns towards the blacksmith and I take one glance at Ian out of the corner of my eye before nodding and walking through the doorway into the shop.

Ian comes in behind me mumbling under his breathe quiet enough for me not to hear.

The blacksmith leads us through his shop towards a separate room.

It was smaller than it looks from the outside and was more welcoming than i had expected.

There were tools everywhere and lots of parts for different vehicles from different centuries and ages.

Once in the separate room he offered us to sit on a couch that faced a desk and chair.

He sat in the chair and asked if we would like to start telling or if he should.

Ian told him that he could so the Blacksmith did.

"I am a Blacksmith as you can tell." he started while watching me. "My name is Ray. I am Ian's father. Also the Werewolf that tried to kill the Vampire that enslaved you."

My jaw drops at the new information.

Ray was Ian's father and most importantly the Werewolf that saved me the first time the Vampire had come for me.

The second time he snuck me out of my parents room while they were sleeping and Ian and his father guarding the house but a full grown Werewolf and Werewolf pup weren't strong enough to keep him away.

Now though is the first time I have let myself remember the past.

It was too harsh to let loose in my mind.

And now it is too strong to hold back.

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