When you meet him: §Beast§

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You were just a normal town girl living in France. People of all ages knew who you were mainly because of your vast knowledge of different things most didn't but one man in particular had a very special feeling for you...

You were walking around the town for some fresh air to sooth your temper you had with your idiot sisters, 2 of them to be exact. People stared at you and made weird faces all because of one reason. Books.

No matter how big or how small you loved them. You just loved the feeling of adventure they bring you.

Your p.o.v

I started to get this suspicious feeling that someone was watching me behind my back while I was reading. I turn around quick enough to see a busty, muscular shadow. "Gaston I know it's you I'm not stupid." and when I said that he came out from his hiding spot reveling him.

"How did you know it was me my love?" He says clearly enjoying this. You give him the 'R U SERIOUS?!' Look and turned your heel, then walked away. Before you could get any further he grabbed you hand and twirled you around to face him getting on one knee. "Y/n Ma'Cherie would you please give me the hon-" You cut him off before saying anything else. "No." And before he could do anything else you sped walked away.

Time skip~

Walking up to your house you spot a note that says...

"My dearest daughter Y/n, I feel terrible enough that s/n and s/n get anything they need or want leaving you behind so I have decided to get you one of the most beautiful rose I'm the entire kingdom, up on the mountain is where I shall be...


Wide eyed you took the page and ran inside your house to get changed as fast as you could. Little did your father know that the castle mentioned in the letter, belonged to a Prince that nobody has ever seen since his disappearance. They also say that whoever goes there never comes back. Rushing to get o some damn pants you rushed out the door at full speed not caring what happens to you just what's gonna happen to your father on your mind.

Everything was a blur after that running to the frozen mountain climbing through the snow and all the ice to get to the large tower like castle at the top. You spot some green patches and recognized them as the royal gardens. "Shit these walls are too big..." You whisper to yourself as you try and find a way to make it inside. At that moment you hear a loud yell of panic and terror from beneath the walls. "Please I'm sorry I'm begging you This is for my daughter I didnt know that this was your garden sir!" You recognize the voice as your dad's you could tell he was in pure terror. "Weither or not you need to be punished its either you or your daughter take it or leave it!" You also hear a very deep mamasculine voice. "I'm so sorry y/n" You hear the last word from your dad as he takes his pick. "I will bring my daughter up here at midnight for you sir." Your mouth drops instantly when you her that you r dad had just auctioned you of to some stranger neither of you knew. Running off you heard faint footsteps behind you... calling after you...

Sorry you guys if this one isn't as accurate as the others I have not seen beauty and the beast only for little smigets of it. Hope you all are enjoying this story so far!




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