Yogi (I'm In Love with My Best Friend)

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Your small back was pressed up against the damp cold wall. You shivered in fear of what was to come to you next. You whimpered as raindrops began to fall onto your body, chilling you to the bone. You curl yourself up closer to your knees to try and keep your warmth.  "Mommy look!" A little girl pointed at your frail figure. "No, no sweetie she must have mental problems, she must have ran away from home. Let's go." The woman drags her child off while she stared at you. The girl began to wave at you while you blankly stare at her bright green eyes. For so long, you haven't smiled, felt happiness, been with another person to keep you awake at night.

You had longed for someone to cheer you up and distract you from the world that you live in currently. You had wanted for so long to smile, but you just couldn't after what they did to you. Your brother tied you up to your bed in your sleep, then dragged a knife across your arm (KILLING AND STALKING -3-). Your mother threw sharp objects at you with no remorse. Your father....he would touch you, touch you in places you didn't know you even had. 

The floor you were sitting on was slimy and gross. Rat scattered around you. Car lights streaked across the street like a painting,  a car quickly swerved into a puddle and drenched you then drove off. You yelp and shudder. A voice quickly crossed your mind. "Are you okay?"  You jerk your head up, even though you knew they were talking to someone else. Not this case. "Miss are you okay?" It was a boy around your age holding his hand out to you. You nod and he frowns. "No your not! Your cold, almost blue! How long have you been out here??" You look down to your knees and try to remember the teaching you got as a small child. You hold up 6 fingers and his mouth drops open. Without warning, he walks over to you and gently grabs your hand. "Here," He gently pulls you up but it's been soon long since you've walked so you fall. He grabs you and pulls you into his arms. 

"Come with me I'll help you."

Flashback end.

"YOGI I SWEAR TO GOD!" You shout throughout the base of arena 2. The lamb butlers had scattered around the 21 year old child man, trying to protect him from your wrath. "I didn't mean it! I swear!" You begin to peel off your shoe and threaten to throw it at him. He ducks as you throw the shoe. "Goddammit stop dodging!" He scoffs. "Well I'm sorry your trying to beat me up with a shoe!" You huff. "Well I wouldn't have to if you didn't put jam in my socks!" You lift up your foot and show the pink substance dripping from your white sock. "Sorry, Really!" You growl and storm off leaving him with the butlers. 

You go off into your small room and take off your now dirty, sticky socks. You sigh. "Yogi, come on..." You look at your sock and make a face in disgust throwing it to the other side of the room. 

You hear a knock on the door. "Can I come in?" You turn and see Nai standing there in an over sized pajama top. You wave him in. "What's going on between you and Yogi y/n?" He tilts his head to the side. "Lately he's just been acting weird I guess. Pranking me more, yelling gibberish, running away from me when I call him over," You tug at your hair. "I just don't know what to do..." Nai looks at you with his red eyes. "Well maybe he likes you?!" You shake you head. "No...We've been friends for almost 15 years...It can't happen." Nai peers at you. "It's obvious! Yogi spitting gibber jabber, running away from you," Your eyes widen in realization. "Paying a bit more attention to you....?" You look over at Nai and smile. "Thank you!" He looks at you while you bolt through the door. "What did I do?" Gareki stands at the door. "You playing love guru now?" He tilts his head once more. "What's a 'love guru'?" Gareki stares at him and turns away blushing. "Nevermind..." 

You ran down the hallway to try and get to your best friends room. 'It's obvious??' Slowly you see the child like patterned door of Yogi and you bolt over to it quickly turning the handle and slamming it open, disturbing a now shaken Yogi. 

"Y-Y/n?" You breathe heavily before calming down and sitting next to him. "Can I ask you something?" You look him in the eyes. You could definitely see the small red blush forming on his cheeks. "D-do you....What do you think about me?" He perks up. "Well, your smart, funny, Very beautiful, almost too beautiful..." You blush and smile. "Thanks, I needed to hear that..." He gulps. "I also need to say something as well." 

"Me too." You agree with him. You both take a deep breath at the same time. 

"Ireallyreallyreallyreallylikeyou," You both pause to look at each other but then Yogi speaks up. "And I want you to want me, to want me too!" You both laugh at each other then settle down. You rub your hands together and Yogi fiddles his fingers awkwardly. "So, after all this time huh?" You blush and he does as well. You both sit there for a good minute before finally looking each other in the eyes. "Would you maybe want to go out??" You smile and nod. "I would love that." He smiles and hugs you. You hug back. "I guess I'm in love with my best friend."

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