Solider 76 (I've Got You in My Sights)

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      Bullets zip past you as you attempt to get over to the side of the city streets. Your chest heaved up and down trying to attain your breathe again. "God damn it , where the hell are they?" You hiss. You were in desperate need of healing and your team was no where to be found. You peak out from the corner of the building you were hiding at and notice the other team getting healed by a woman named Mercy. Kind of a coincidence though, she sure shows no mercy. 

You could see the other team trying to track you but you tried your hardest to keep a down low profile. You quickly duck your head back into the corner and waited for a minute before deciding that it was time to change hiding spots. You scoot yourself over to the other side of the building and poke your head out once more. You were good to go. You slowly, and quietly limped over to the small spot. For a good second you were outside alone but not long before you felt someone's presence with you. Bang. You double over and scream in pain, clutching your other leg that was now injured. "Fuck." You heaved, tears streaming down your face and struggled to attain a grip on the ground. You dragged yourself to the spot and sat yourself down not caring about what would happen. You take out a pocket knife and rip off a piece of your uniform, tying it around the wound trying to stop the bleeding. 

Hefty footsteps tramped along the dirt covered road. Dust flew everywhere which made it a bit difficult to breath. You resisted the urge to cough but sought it completely unnecessary  at the situation you were in. 

You began to cuss inside of your mind as they got closer. "I've got you in my sights." A gruff voice called out. You then felt a large glove grip onto the leg the was shot and dragged you out forcefully. You cried out, attempting to get a grip on your leg. The person threw you to the wall and stood before you. The other team members started to gather around you and them. They smiled at them saying things like 'good job' and 'cheers mate'. They all looked at you in disgust before turning away and discussing something. 

You moved down to your leg and instantly eyes were on you. You tremble and go back your position. The only one that looked at you with a tiny bit of sincerity was Mercy. Well, mainly because you were covered in bruises and both your legs were injured. She sighed and walked out from the group to you. She held her hand out and you flinched back, thinking she was going to hurt you. You look back up at her. She was smiling. "Let me help you." You bite your lip. "I-I can't walk..." She nods and squats down to you. "Mercy, what're ya' doin'?" A man with a cowboy hat asks. "Hey who's the healer here?" She pauses. "She has severe injures." They all roll their eyes and go back to the conversation. The guys who shot you would not stop looking at you, or at least you thought he wouldn't. 

She goes down to your legs and places her hands on each shin. Suddenly a bright yellow glow surrounds you. You begin to panic. "What the hell?!" She looks up at you sincerely. "It's ok, you can look now." You look down at your legs. "Thanks Mercy." "No problem Y/n." You get up and the background begins to pixelate until it leaves all of you in a large metal room. You chuckle. "God guys, who knew you could be such good actors?" They all roll their eyes. "Anyways, good match, considering I was the only one who got randomly put on the other team." They all laugh. "Well it was quite surprising," Mei steps in. "You were literally the only one who got selected for the other team." You stretch. "Well, time for me to get going to bed." Mercy and a couple of others wave to you as a goodbye. You step out of the practice quarters and into the Overwatch main building. 

You walk down to your room and open up the door. 

You walk in shut the door behind you, and go up to your closet and grab some pajamas. Once you laid your nightwear on your bed you heard a knock on your door. You turn around and get it. "Yes?" Outside stood 76 who had his gear off including his mask. You could easily spot his long scar that crossed his mouth now. "Hey, whatcha' need?" He keeps his cold expression. "I need to talk to you." "Okay, sure, come in." You move out of the way and let him inside. 

"Thank you. About today," You hum. "I apologize for shooting you in the foot." You look at him and start to chuckle. "What are you apologizing for??" You sit down next to him, he had placed himself on your bed. "I shot you in the foot. What else?!" You look at him. "It's not that big of a deal,"

"It is for me okay?!" He yells. You sit there and stare at him. Hardly does he ever raise his temper, especially with you. So this was very shocking. "Why are you getting so emotional?" You ask him. He lets out a heavy sigh. "I shot the....The.." You lean in as if telling him to go on. He groans. "Mcree told me this would be easy!" You furrow your eyebrows. "What would be easy?" He taps his foot against the floor. "You know what..." "What?" He looks up at you in the most straight face. "I like you." Your heart thumps. "...Like me?" He nods and stares blankly at you. You smile and lean in to his cheek. He moves away suddenly. "What the hell are you doing?" He asks you. "Am I not allowed to kiss the guy I like on the cheek?" His face flushes red. "Sorry..." You smile once again, then peck him on the cheek. 

"You're really cute when you want to be, you know that?"

He rolls his eyes. "Sure..."

UGH HE'S SO JUST...I CAN'T Also if you want to request for my new Male!Reader X Various please do! 

Next up- Request!

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