M! Merida X Reader part.2

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After the kings speech, He starts to lead the group of girls, by knights side, towards the castle. You all pass through a small village in order to get to the tall building, and you notice to the right of you was a group of small children playing with a small sack, kicking it around in a small circle. You smirk. Slowly, You made your way to the back of the group making sure nobody saw you.

You finally make it and slip outside of the large number of girls. Smiling, you walk over to the children and the boys quickly stop. "Hey guys." They all turn and face you flustered, probably knowing you were a princess. *cough* Tiara *cough* They kneel down on the ground dropping the sack. "Woah, woah guys no need to kneel. I just wanted to ask if I could play with you." They all get up.

"Really?!" One of the little boys asked. You nod and they quickly move over to make room for you. You pick up your dress and you move in as they begin to play. "So-" You kick the sack. "What are your names?" You kick it over to a little girl. "I'm Mai..." She kicks it over to an older boy with dirty blonde hair. "Matthias." He smiles and kicks it to a smaller boy. "Charlie." He kicks the bag over to one of the much smaller boys. "Kris." He smiles and kicks it back to you. "My name is Y/n." You smile and kick it back to the boy. It lands on his foot and he holds it for a while.

"I'm guessing your here to hopefully be Merediths wife?"

"Well I'm supposed to be at the castle, but fancy events aren't really my thing..." They giggle. "Well Prince Mereidth isn't really the one for fancy events events either." Mai says. "Really? Do you know what else he likes to do?" They nod and Kris speaks up. "We always see him ride through town on his black horse. Oh, and he's amazing at archery!"

"Is that so?" You chuckle. You begin to play again when you hear a voice. "Princess!" You turn. It was Meredith. "What are you doing?! You needed to be at the castle for the past hour." You sigh. "Well, I guess I have to go guys..." Mai looks up at you sadly. "Do you have to leave?" You nod. "You know what-" You kneel down to her and place your tiara ontop of her head. "-That's just something to remember me by." She smiles widely then jumps up to hug you and you hug back.

"Thank you!!"

"No problem. I'll hopefully see you again!" With that you turn aroind and see Meredith smiling ear to ear. You walk up to him and you both begin your way to the castle. "Why did you do that?" He asks. "I have 2 more at home." He chuckles. "You're not so bad....unlike those girls at the castle! Like jeez could they get anymore stuck up?" You laugh. "Thank you.....I guess?"

He smiles. "You're not to bad yourself..." You playfully push his shoulder, blushing.

Mereidths POV

I could see her blushing, she was so cute like that! She looks up at me and smiles. I could already feel my face heat up.

"So did your dad force you into this whole marriage thing too?" She asks me. I laugh. "I'm guessing your parents did the same thing?" She smiles wider and nods. "Who knew?!" I exclaim. We both stay in a comfortable silence till we made it to the castle.

I stopped at the castle gates. "Wait." She stops and turns around confused as to why I stopped. "I don't even know your name." She grins. "Oh, It's y/n." I keep smiling and walk up to her. "That's a very beautiful name..." She giggles. "Meredith if your trying to flirt with me, it's not working to well for you." I gape at her. "Hey! I'm trying my best here!" I explain to her as she laughs at the attempt. "Well, then I guess your going to have to try harder." She pushes, I smirk at her.

"Then you wouldn't mind if I do this then?" She looks at me. "What-?" I grab her shoulders and pull her towards me and kiss her. Her lips were so soft. Slowly getting used to it, she kisses back closing her eyes. I could hear her moan in the kiss but not to loudly, just enough to hear that she's enjoying it. We pull away. "That....that was..."

"Amazing..." I breathe out finishing her sentence. We look each other in the eyes until I feel something drop down onto my head pretty hard. "Hey?!" I look up to see my father looking down at us with small pebbles in hand. "I guess I have to call off the ceremony!" He yells down. Both of our faces start to form a deep red blush, knowing he had just spied on us kissing the whole time. "Dad!!" I sit up at him running into the castle with y/n at my side laughing at the act of trying to catch my father.

I guess we do have to tell the others to go home...

Hey guys!! Hope you enjoyed this one shot! We are so close to 100k reads!!!!!!! Anyway, love chu!~♥

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