Prince Kai (Comfy Blankets and a Fire)

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Can we all just take a minute and talk about how underrated this anime is and how good it is.

Also thank you guys who answered to my plea for help for advice on high school, I feel a bit better now honestly

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Also thank you guys who answered to my plea for help for advice on high school, I feel a bit better now honestly. 

"Get your ass back here!" Your mother shouted. You tremble in fear as you fly down the stairs trying not to get hit from your mothers drunken state. She had always been like this. Your father had past away when you were young. She never really took it well seeing how much in love they were, ever since she had begun to drink and continuously beat you to heal her pain. You shield the back of your neck and head and weave in and out of objects being thrown at you at various speeds. 

"Mom-" You duck. "Please stop!" She continues. A shard of pottery that was thrown cuts your arm as you try to move away from her. You wince but continue to move back towards the door. You could see that she was only going to move closer and closer to you which is when you decided to finally run out the front door. As you were running in the wet german streets, your mothers drunken slurrs mixed in with the downpour of rain and the slap of your feet running down the gravel. Once you had gotten some distance between you both, you begun to slow down and catch your breath. Realizing the pain throbbing on your arm, you cover up the open cut from the rain hopefully saving it from being infected. 

"Y/~n!" You hear your mother coo. You jump a bit and try to find the nearest fence or alleyway. The nearest thing you could find was a steel fence that fortunately was not too high. Kind of wary about it you hesitate to jump it. "Y/N!!" You didn't have any choice. You run straight for it, place your hands in front of you to lift your torso up and hurdle your legs over the spikes at the very top. Your skirt got caught on one of them and ripped but it wasn't a very big tear. You land on the bright green grass and stare at the blades at the bottom for a second. You shrugged and continued on. In the distance you could hear the screeches from your mother, you wouldn't be surprised if she woke the whole of Germany. You sigh and hide behind one of the larger trees on property that wasn't facing the fence. You notice that around you were various cement pathways that all lead to one giant water fountain. It had multiple statues surrounding it as well as some flowers that you could try and see with your naked eye. 

Up ahead, you could see the outline of a rather large building. You really couldn't see anything without daylight and not to mention the droplets of rain falling into your eyes. In a quick second one of the lights flickered on that seemed like one of the rooms somebody was staying in. After that, a stream of lighting lit up the sky and for only a moment you could see the building in its entirety. "Oh my god..." You didn't realize it before hand, the cement walkways, the gigantic fountain and beautiful yard. You had jumped the fence into the royal palace. Almost instantly your heart stops. 

No wonder they had iron fences, and perfect greenery. Nobody in this part of Germany could afford it other then the royal family. 'I would be immediately spotted if someone were awake.' You thought to yourself. 

Just as you thought that the room that had the light on had someone push aside the windows curtains. You didn't soon realize this till you turned and looked up at the person looking through. Your face quickly turned grim as his eyes landed straight to you. His eyes were squinted and had a look of 'I will murder you' permanently resting there. "Shit." You mutter to yourself. Almost immediately he begins to sprint out of his room and towards your location. Not thinking, you were still planted in your spot holding onto the deep gash in your arm. It was only till he was half way to you when you registered what was happening. "Shit!" You mutter to yourself. 

You begin to push yourself into a sprint just before he caught you. 'Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!' You thought to yourself as you run in attempt to lose the rather intimidating man. Just before you could make a sharp turn your arm in which had the cut on it, had hit itself against one of the lower tree branches. You double over and groan. Behind you, you could hear the heavy breathing of him.

"Got you."

Eyyyy also for my next Male x male reader chapter which "Dream Daddy" character would you want me to do. I just fuckin love that game. 

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